The Human Design for Marketing podcast™, with Yvette Mayer

The Sweet Spot between Human Design & Marketing, episode #144

Yvette Mayer Season 3 Episode 144

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TIME SENSITIVE NEWS!!!! The Frequency Project MiniMind, is open for final time this year, and is an upgraded 12-week experience, to help you elevate your frequency and activate your most magnetic personal brand, and set yourself up for a quantum leap in 2024!

Now, let’s dive into this weeks new podcast  transmission.

We’re exploring the hard facts of marketing, regardless of Human Design…and that is, that it’s both an art and a science, and that behavioral marketing principles developed over 100’s of years are equally important in you creating the impact you crave.

In this episode, you’ll learn the fundamental marketing components you absolutely need to nail down for your personal brand to shine and business to thrive. Each of which Human Design can absolutely support you to clarify and activate more powerfully. It’s a whole 360 vibe!

There are four “master keys” when it comes to the sweet spot of Human Design and Marketing:

  1. The energetics of your brand, tone of voice and radiance
  2. How you are designed to influence others
  3. Your brand story and mission
  4. The types of communication that work best for you

The truth is, this is also the exact curriculum of the Frequency Project Mininind - so if you’re listening in and thinking, I need this magic - then you are in the right place, sign up now and I will be working with you real soon.

Oh and don't forget to go checkout the YouTube channel too!


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Speaker 1:

Before we dive into this episode, I have huge news for you. Go to the show notes and check out the frequency project MiniMind. It is open for sign up right now, through until the 21st of November 2023. This is my signature human design for marketing group program, with a difference. It's had a massive upgrade. We've moved it from six to 12 weeks. After the feedback from so many incredible women who've been through the program, many of whom are signing back up again. That's how good it is.

Speaker 1:

This is for you If you are sick and tired of cookie cutter marketing, feeling like you are not making an impact, exhausted by trying all the things and nothing seems to be working, and you want to align into your brilliance, unleash your most authentic and radiant self in the way you market, to attract your dream clients with more ease than the frequency project. Minimind is for you. Head to the show notes now, click the button, sign yourself up and we will be working together in an intimate environment in a matter of days. Now let's dive in to this week's episode. Hi, welcome to the Human Design for Marketing Podcast. I'm your host, yvette Mayer, and this shows for you if you're done with cookie cutter marketing and ready to build your personal brand in alignment with who you really are. I'm a marketing expert, human design nerd and intuitive business coach who's helped hundreds of women just like you to elevate their frequency and activate their most magnetic personal brand. Each week we'll dive into practical tips, interviews, conversations and more to help you create and align business, a positive contribution and, of course, an abundant life. Let's dive in.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back to Human Design for Marketing Podcast. If you're new around here, I am so excited that you have found us. If you're a regular listener, I'm so sorry. I haven't been as consistent with episodes of late, but I think you know that this is for good reason. I have been very busy launching the YouTube channel. If you haven't had a look at that yet, make sure you head down to the show notes at the end of this episode and go visit the YouTube channel. It's freaking magic. I'm so proud of it. I can't wait to hear your feedback. But for now, let's dive in to this brand new episode.

Speaker 1:

Today, I'm going to be talking to you about the sweet spot between human design and marketing, because I think there's a sense in my community that it is more human design than marketing, and I want to make sure that you are very clear that, when it comes to growing your business, it is never one or the other, it's both. You definitely cannot just show up following your human design strategy and authority and have limitless success without applying marketing principles. Okay, and so I really wanted to go deeper into this topic and get you to appreciate what I mean when I say marketing intelligence, and what are these key components of a marketing effort that are absolutely fundamental, and how can you work with your human design to better amplify these aspects of you that create your most magnetic and radiant self? Because it's when you're in this frequency, this very high frequency, that you're going to be met with clients walking towards you. So it is both. It's an energetic frequency that is created through both your human frequency and also the frequency of the actual marketing assets that you're putting out into the world. So this means having a lot of clarity and cohesion and consistency in the way you present yourself in the marketing landscape.

Speaker 1:

So, without further ado, let's dive in to this topic Now. You've probably heard me say this before, but I genuinely love this fusion, because both marketing and human design are very much a combination of art and science. It really does exist. It's like Yin and Yang in both instances. It's kind of like the data as well as the fem, the masculine, the feminine, the flow, the activation, and it's a beautiful fusion, an absolutely beautiful fusion. It makes magic when we bring these two distinct elements together.

Speaker 1:

Specifically, I want to share with you what I believe, as a marketer of over 30 years, an intuitive business coach and a human design for marketing, mentor and pioneer. What aspects of marketing are fundamental? Fundamental to you creating the growth that you desire, making the huge impact, supporting more and more humans to have the transformation that you offer and ultimately, bringing in an abundance of what you desire into your world. So the first thing to really land as a marketer is your vision and mission. Like, what is the bigger mission that you have? What do you actually see as your role? Now, this can be a little bit overwhelming and I have worked with clients who are like I don't really have a. Why, I don't know. And if you're somebody with an open G-centre identity centre, you're more likely to struggle with this. You might find yourself changing your mind. Also, to my many Jen friends out there, yes, you might change directions a couple of times Okay, more than a couple, and that's very normal for you. That being said, we do want you, and no matter what type you are, to see this bigger vision so that you can bring people into it.

Speaker 1:

This is what you may call creating a movement Right, a movement that moves your ideal clients in to action. This is high level. It's not what you're selling, it's what you stand for, it's your legacy, it's why you do the business that you do. So if you're open in the G center and you're struggling with this piece, some of the aspects in human design that are going to help you are. Firstly, I would suggest that you have a look at your incarnation cross for clues. That's number one. This very much sums up your life's work. I would also suggest and this is a bit of gene keys magic that you go diving into on the design side of your chart, your Mars gate. Go there, go have a read of what the shadow is in the gene keys for this Particular gate that's sitting in your Mars, on the left side of your chart, your design chart. The shadow is what's blocking you from having career or work success, and the gift is actually what you're here to do. It's your vocation. So these are places to start to get more clarity In that bigger movement that you're creating.

Speaker 1:

We want to come into the world to create our legacy from a place of absolutely. I was born to do this work and this is going to help you really dial that in for yourself. And when you have this higher order marketing let's call it ecosystem that is driven by a movement, well, that helps you activate others into Wanting to be in your orbit not necessarily work with you. It's being in your orbit, connecting to you for referring people to you, showing up and being a bit of a fan of yours. This is what this creates. Now, depending on where you take this movement, this can also become part of your author ecosystem.

Speaker 1:

But let's just start by saying I don't care what type you are. This is a critical component, absolutely critical now for me. I am here to help lift you up, to shine your light more brightly and, as I put it, to help you feel more lit up and liberated In what you do for work in the world and, while you do it, to create abundant success. This is what drives me, this is my movement, and that is why I have, hand on heart, spoken about feeling lit up and liberated Through my entire business journey. It has not changed. What I sell has changed a lot. It's gone from health coaching To life coaching, leadership coaching, into business coaching and now into a Deeper specialty field of human design for marketing. But the entire time I've been driven by this Complete conviction that there are too many women and people asleep at the wheel. There are just far too many humans that are not valuing the preciousness and the finite nature of life and they're therefore, like I said, sleeping at the wheel. They're missing out on the completely Expansiveness that is in them. They're missing out on Supporting and serving others through their gifts. And this is what lights me up to no end. I want to inspire you, I want to lift you up through shining my light on you. This drives me day in and day out. Okay, that's first this bigger vision and mission, which you may call a movement.

Speaker 1:

The next thing is you want to very, very succinctly and cohesively Build your brand from the inside out. You are a personal brand. Your energy matters, your frequency matters, but the elements that your audience is feeling from you in addition to that are the words you say, your values, your tone of voice, now, the type in human design and your authority are going to give you a lot of Intelligence about how your energetic system works to create this brand presence in your marketing. Okay, so this is where the type and the authority and your human design strategy come in and fuse with. Okay, who do I know myself to be as a brand? What is my energy? How do I share in the world in the way that people want to receive from me? How does this work? So, for me, as a generator, I am here Funny that to light up the world. Okay, so people want to be in my energy. They feel like their energy grows. It lights up when they're in my energy.

Speaker 1:

This is a huge part of who I am as a brand. In addition to that, I am somebody who is incredibly Authentic and I share the truth. I'm a very empathetic human. I am relatable. These are all elements that live inside my chart. In different ways, I also have this Part of me that, over the course of my life, has really lent into a more revolutionary energy, like I want to call to arms. My incarnation cross is actually the cross of wishes. Now, the cross of wishes is all about wanting to create new laws or rules for society, kind of hating on the way that we have the world running right now.

Speaker 1:

I have been like this, without understanding human design, my entire life, like Calling BS on all of the work environments that I'm in because they're not nurturing or supportive or healthy from a leadership perspective. They're toxic, they're burnout creating, they are ego driven, like I could go on and on. But yeah, patriarchy, right. So I have spent my career before having my own business, fighting against this and trying to make new rules in the corporate environment. This is who I am right and this is coming through now in the way that I am Building my movement and attracting you towards me as a brand, because it's innate to me, so you can see how this works. I'm also somebody who is very relationship oriented. I Am somebody that people like having in the room. This is the generator thing. Back to that lit up nature that I have that you may have as well. It's like people want our energy as generators and many, many gens. They want that energy around because it lifts the vibes of the room. So that needs to come through as part of my brand. So that's the second aspect that I would say to you you have to lock this in and Be in alignment with your brand expression, with a lot of cohesion, for people to really recognize you, to see you, to know it's you before you open your mouth.

Speaker 1:

There is so much that goes into what creates your brand. That is not Just a bunch of words, it's in the way that it all comes together. Okay, you see, I've got a lot of passion for this Now. So we've got the brand, we've got the movement. What's next? It's your marketing. It's having a strategic and intentional marketing approach, and this is where, unfortunately, so many creative, amazing, big-hearted women fall down Because they don't have a marketing background and they can get on board with a few of the early bits, but then it gets to the marketing and they find themselves following other people's advice and trying on different strategies and failing and then thinking they suck and blaming themselves when it's just not easy.

Speaker 1:

I want to be clear with you. It is a hugely competitive environment out there. There are millions, millions of brands and personal brands competing for attention. It is the attention economy. Actually, earning attention isn't easy. It's just not easy, no matter how aligned you are to your human design. You also need and must create your marketing strategy with intention and breathe life into that strategy over the long term.

Speaker 1:

Again, you might say to me oh, but I don't want to niche or I don't want to do this or do that because of XYZ about my human design. I hear you and you will find a way to do this in alignment with your design. There is no one way. It is about really mastering your own energy and getting to connect into what is it that I want to share about my business that will attract my dream clients towards me. How do I like to do that? What feels very good in my system? And there will be places that you need to go, that you don't want to go.

Speaker 1:

If you are serious about creating your legacy, it is a business. You have a business. It's not all fun and games all of the time. It's called work because it is work, but I couldn't think of more fulfilling work than what you're doing, and so you're going to have to be courageous. There are going to be times when you push yourself out onto a stage or you start using video in your content plan, even though you hate it. Why are you going to do this? Because you have to get out of your own way and show up and communicate so that you can help all of those incredible humans who are stuck, who are challenged, who need what you have. That will never discover you. They won't find you if you don't get out of your comfort zone and go out and stand up and be bold and passionate about your magic and sharing your magic.

Speaker 1:

This is huge, right and now? When I say marketing, maybe you're like what is that? What does that entail? Marketing is huge. I mean traditionally corporate. It's the four P's like product promotion, product price placement. I'm not going to go into all of the P's. Suffice to say, it is everything from your brand and how you package yourself and the movement and the vision that you communicate through, to what you sell. What are those offers that you have created and how you sell them. From a marketing perspective, it's the plan, it's the actual execution, what you're showing up and offering and how you do that. It's understanding that your audience is on a journey towards working with you and that it does require time. This is another thing that I see entrepreneurs get really frustrated with that I want to land with you. Marketing is a long game. It's long. It's not direct response.

Speaker 1:

In this landscape that we're all operating in. It's very rare that someone will find you and buy from you fast. It's much more likely that they will need to go through what is a customer journey of sorts. So the first thing that will happen is they will become aware of you, and so, within your overall marketing strategy, you're going to have some of your activity that is designed to reach people that don't know who you are and to make them aware of you. This is very different types of marketing than offering a product and a sale. You're also going to have a lot of people at any given moment that's the idea, at least, this is what you want A lot of people who know who you are, who like you, who are showing up and connecting with you, but they're still in the consideration phase.

Speaker 1:

They haven't made a decision that you're somebody that they want to buy from. This may be the bulk of your audience. It may well be. I'm quite sure it's the bulk of mine. I mean, I've had hundreds of women buy from me, but I have thousands and thousands and thousands of I'm going to say women in my audience across many different platforms, like I'm talking about channel, youtube, but also my Facebook group, my email marketing, my Instagram, my broader Facebook, even LinkedIn. There are a lot of people who are not just aware that I exist, but who have grown a level of no and like for who I am and what I offer. They're interested, they're engaged and they're yet to be converted. This is a different type of marketing than what initially connected to them. To make them aware of what I do, the high reach you may need to use ads for that, it could be getting really good at something like Reels that can explode and grow your audience really quickly.

Speaker 1:

There's different strategies for each face. The consideration phase, the content you use, is going to be different because at this point you're almost nurturing them from knowing who you are into, wanting to work with you through things like education, through building your authority, through building your credibility. All of these elements take them through that consideration phase and then you have the sales phase, where you're open for business, where you're making offers. This can also include things like your attraction strategy, whether you have some form of free be a lead magnet that you're bringing them into so that you're building an even deeper one-on-one relationship through your email marketing, and that is a beautiful way to take somebody through that consideration phase and in to purchase. But if we kind of helicopter out when you're thinking marketing strategy, I want you to understand that part of that. This is your energy and how you show up and how you and what you share, but there has to be structure, otherwise you're like I'm saying this a lot lately but you're flapping in the wind, you're being reactive rather than consider it. You're following different bright, shiny objects and actually making no tangible difference.

Speaker 1:

Genuine growth comes with commitment. It comes from naming and claiming what you want, building out a strategy and landing that through taking consistent and intentional action. And that's exactly why my business is in such a beautiful place right now, because for the entire year, I have had a clear, crystal clear, even strategy that I have followed day after day, building from the foundations all the way up to this point, and this is what we want for you as well. Then, of course, there is the content, like what am I going to say on a day to day basis? How often will I share? Which platforms will I be active on and in each platform, which type of content? This is also part of your marketing, but it comes down even deeper into what are the content pillars that are right from for me Knowing my movement, understanding my brand, appreciating how I best influence others.

Speaker 1:

Yes, we're talking about the profile lines now because, when it comes to your activating of the strategy, you want to be in those environments where you know that you have the best effect, you have the highest influence, because influence is so closely related to sales. When you have an influence over somebody else, they say yes to you, and so your profile lines are going to really help you in this area to understand the where and the pillars of what people want to hear from you. What are they waiting for from you. So let's come back to myself as a 5-1. So I know that my audience wants to feel my energy and really for me to do that effectively. Video is hugely important and as is podcasting, like you, hearing my voice, you hearing my passion, you feeling my frequency is very big for me as a 5-1. It's also going to be jumping in and not just telling you like what is the challenge you've got? Like at the beginning of this episode, I spoke to you about the fact that you might be feeling exhausted by your marketing, exhausted and like this is killing my business joy. That's the challenge, and I've just shown you a lot of practical ways that you can move yourself from that challenge and take aligned action towards creating more success as you move your business into 2024. That is very aligned for me as a 5-1. I'm giving you those problem and solutions in this episode.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and then with my line one, oh, my God, I love my one. It's my obsession with all of the research, the foundations, like my continual, not just development of new IP, but the continual learning, like I don't think there's an end point for me and my learning around human design and even the fusion of human design and marketing, like finding those sweet spots. That is an all day, everyday focus of mine. Okay, I take time out. Let's be honest, I have weekends Right, like this is, this is who I am, and so I could never have told you I would not have dreamed 10 months ago that not only would I launch my new IP but I would launch my YouTube channel with, like this high end, professional, huge investment, but that the launch content would be on the human design transits and the gate. I didn't even understand that part of human design effectively 10 months ago. I didn't. I mean, I knew what it was but I didn't get how powerful it was or what it could offer us as marketers. I learnt that during this year and I continue to learn and bring this forward. Because the transits my goodness. You have to watch the YouTube channel because this is like the secret inside scoop to how you'll always create resonant content with your audience based on what they're feeling in any given week or day. So that's a whole nother topic. I'm not going to go into that today. There's other episodes. You can go back to other episodes about the transits, but what I want to land with you is this is my one, and so I now have the authority and the mastery, because I've spent so much time experimenting, learning and creating that this is a huge part of my content. Now, which is 10 months later, I feel like I've shared a lot today, but these are all such critical components of the way that you're going to build your business.

Speaker 1:

The last one is your sales. It's not enough to have marketing. You also need a sales strategy, and I am talking about this, I mentioned it before this lead magnet, this thing that attracts people to you, that you offer for free or for very low ticket, that is going to give them a direct experience of working with you, learning from you, having a breakthrough with you Right. This is how you start to open up more automated sales into your business. It's fundamental. Now there are so many different approaches to sales strategy, but it needs to be considered from the beginning. It's not a bolt on once you've got some marketing traction or you'll be sitting around waiting for people to buy from you for a very long time, and we don't want that. We want your funnel on. We want people learning from you as quickly as possible and coming into your ecosystem and engaging and building a level of no-likes and trust and considering and moving through that whole process as quickly as possible.

Speaker 1:

Now, as I've woven through this entire episode, there is four master keys in human design that are going to help you at every step of this marketing. Let's call it the marketing fundamentals I've discussed with you today. These are the exact four areas that we go diving into, integrating and activating in the frequency project. So if you've listened to this episode and you're like I need all of that, join the frequency project mini-mind. It is calling to you for a reason. You're going to get a very intimate group environment where we, over a three month period.

Speaker 1:

Go into each of these aspects of your human design and bring it back into. What does it mean for you and how do you work with this to attract your clients and grow your business, help more people and make more money in 2024? If that sounds good for you or to you, you know what to do. Sign up for the frequency project. I will be waiting with open arms to welcome you in. We've got some incredible women already on the inside. As I said before, we have women signed up who have already done the frequency project and loved it so much and found it so rewarding and so game-changing that they want to do it again.

Speaker 1:

That's the beautiful thing about human design. It's like, layer upon layer upon layer. It just gets better and better and better the more you know it. Work with it, experiment with it and embody this work. That's a wrap for this episode. I sure hope that I see you joining us in the frequency project. Many mind we start on the 22nd, 23rd of November, so that's coming up really quickly and I will be back with another episode of the Human Design for Marketing podcast real soon. Have a great day. Thanks for tuning in to the Human Design for Marketing podcast. Make sure you hit that subscribe button. Tell your friends and extra brownie points Go. Leave me a review. I would so appreciate it. There are heaps more resources in the show notes. I can't wait to be back in your ears again soon. Bye for now.