The Human Design for Marketing podcast™, with Yvette Mayer

From shadow to gift and skyrocketing your engagement, episode #146

Yvette Mayer Season 3 Episode 146

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TIME SENSITIVE NEWS!!!! The Frequency Project MiniMind, is open for the final time this year, and is an upgraded 12-week experience to help you elevate your frequency, activate your most magnetic personal brand and set yourself up for a quantum leap in 2024!

In today’s episode, I'm spilling the tea on gate 14 - its gifts, shadows, the abundance codes within it and the biggest block I faced with this energy in my chart. I'll share how I've been working through it and reclaiming my power, bit by bit.

It’s no secret that I’m playing in the quantum, myself, as I pioneer the Human Design for Marketing space. But guess what my core wound (aka biggest frequency blocker) is?

People-pleasing! aka compromise - the shadow of gate 14. 

The truth is, if left unhealed, this stuff can trip you up on the path to quantum success in your business. Yep, it's that serious!

So, prepare for a trip down memory lane where I reveal my experience with dimming my light for others and compromising on my truth (since forever!). This story is a vulnerable one and I share it with you as a testimony that you too can find your way back to your truth, your center and the abundance in your DNA.

And given I’m here as we head into the season of Gate 14 in the Sun placement of the transits, you’re also going to get my hot tips on how to leverage the energy over the coming week, to create more resonant messaging and skyrocket your engagement.

If you’re listening in and thinking, I need this magic - then you are in the right place. The Frequency Project MiniMind is the perfect place for you to deep dive into your chart and frequency  - sign up now and I will be working with you real soon.

Oh and don't forget to check out the YouTube channel too!


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Speaker 1:

Before we dive into this episode, I have huge news for you. Go to the show notes and check out the frequency project MiniMind. It is open for sign up right now, through until the 21st of November 2023. This is my signature human design for marketing group program, with a difference. It's had a massive upgrade. We've moved it from six to 12 weeks. After the feedback from so many incredible women who've been through the program, many of whom are signing back up again. That's how good it is.

Speaker 1:

This is for you If you are sick and tired of cookie cutter marketing, feeling like you are not making an impact, exhausted by trying all the things and nothing seems to be working, and you want to align into your brilliance, unleash your most authentic and radiant self in the way you market, to attract your dream clients with more ease than the frequency project. Minimind is for you. Head to the show notes now, click the button, sign yourself up and we will be working together in an intimate environment in a matter of days. Now let's dive in to this week's episode. Hi, welcome to the Human Design for Marketing podcast. I'm your host, yvette Mayer, and this shows for you if you're done with cookie cutter marketing and ready to build your personal brand in alignment with who you really are. I'm a marketing expert, human design nerd and intuitive business coach who's helped hundreds of women just like you to elevate their frequency and activate their most magnetic personal brand. Each week, we'll dive into practical tips, interviews, conversations and more to help you create and align business, a positive contribution and, of course, an abundant life. Let's dive in.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back to the Human Design for Marketing podcast. I'm jumping in today with a bit of a hot take, something that is on my mind, that's been coming up for me, that I feel really called to jump in and share with you. Now, before I do this, I want to make it crystal clear crystal clear that the more you are in alignment with who you really are and owning your truth in the way that you show up and create your business and do your beautiful work and build and grow through your marketing, the more abundance is going to flow your way. There is no question that this is a truth. Now, the thing that stops us doing this quite often is a couple of things that I'm going to take you through that have at least affected me and, I suspect, get in the way of your growth and your success as well. The first one is people pleasing. Now I have been doing some work with a beautiful healer to help me up level my nervous system and my energetics around leadership and being the powerful boss pioneer in the human design for marketing space, and this week we were really working around what is preventing me from stepping in fully. Now you may say you're listening to this, you potentially you see how I'm showing up on YouTube and all of the beautiful work I'm putting out into the world, but believe you me, I have to do this work internally to show up and radiate my brilliance at this level and what I believe to be a stepping stone towards even more Okay. So this week we were exploring what keeps me small, and she brought me back to a time when I was 24 years of age.

Speaker 1:

At 24, I was in the most serious, beautiful, loving and connected relationship of my entire life. We'd been together for five years. My boyfriend's name let's call him C was somebody that I met organically although that was pretty common back then. We didn't have online dating or apps or anything like that through water polo, which is a big part of my family, and we fell hard and fast. It was hugely intense. It was a very committed relationship. It was a mutual attraction like it was amazing.

Speaker 1:

Now, over our five years together, our lives changed a lot because we went from being the same age, from being 19 to 24. And in this time my career exploded. My let's call it lust for working, for being my own person, were in a huge phase of transition and growth. And same for him. He went from being at the Institute of Sport for water polo and he went from being the young junior to being in the squad for the Australian Olympic team, things like that. Now, what happened? We were living in different cities he was in Canberra, I was in Sydney.

Speaker 1:

Is that, because of the distance and also our, I would say, dynamics, there was a level of possessiveness and I think it ran both ways, if I'm honest. And then, as we got into this kind of older stage my independence and my independent nature I think I was struggling to balance both this kind of possessive relationship and also my growing independence and career. And I went to see a clairvoyant. The clairvoyant who I thought would tell me that I was going to get engaged in a few months or a year and I'd be married and I'd be having children and that was what I was hoping to find out about gave me a very different I was going to say story, but a different truth. She shared with me that actually, the relationship that I was in was very controlling and that I wasn't being my true self, that I was in fact molding myself to be the perfect partner for my boyfriend and dimming my light. Yeah, this was just such a confrontational moment for me. Sorry, this was a very confrontational moment for me because I wasn't aware I wasn't doing all of the personal development and inside work that I do and have done for many years since, and it was buried. I didn't know that this was going on.

Speaker 1:

And I now look back through my entire life and I see this thread, this need for people to like me and not being my full expression of self, and maybe you have felt this as well. We do have a core human need for connection. So it's not surprising that we wanna be liked, we wanna belong, and, depending on your constitution and a lot of other factors around your genetics and the way you've been brought up, you are gonna be more or less prone to this shape-shifting of self. So for me, I realized after this session. I recall this in incredible detail. I know exactly where it was. It was in Bondi. It was in an up like second floor apartment.

Speaker 1:

I recall leaving, going across the road and sitting in my car and crying because I knew it was true. It was such a slap in the face. Now, what did I do? Did I break up with him? No, I was like how can I turn this around? Because this guy's the love of my life and I've always felt sure that this was my long-term future, and I spent the next six to 12 months trying to fall back in love with him, because it was like in an instant that I'd fallen out of love. Whew, huge, huge, huge thing to go through.

Speaker 1:

And along that pathway he knew something had changed and so we did a lot of work together and I was open and honest about what had occurred. He didn't love hearing that a clever way had changed the way I felt about him. I don't think anyone would enjoy that. And then he started trying to change to be the right person for me. So I realized that actually I'd been the one changing and he'd been more steady in himself, and it didn't work. I tried really hard to you know, with this more confident, more trusting relationship dynamic that he was working hard to build I, just nothing worked and so the relationship ended and you know I still have a lot of love for this human I. He's not entirely out of my life it has been a few years since I've seen him, but we still hold a lot of love in our hearts for each other.

Speaker 1:

However, this is a pattern that I see has shown up for me many times in my life and in fact, when I was working around my energy, around this aspect of me, I had to really look at myself and identify that uh-huh, okay, I see that sometimes, when I have a perception that I've behaved in a way that was wrong, this is really hard to even talk about. But when I thought I behaved in a way that was wrong on reflection, because I felt some shame or some guilt, quite often I'd been in integrity with myself. And when I step into my power, I can actually observe that I was being in integrity and I was speaking my truth and triggering another person who has their own perception and their own reality. Going on, and rather than holding my confidence in myself, this has caused me to go more into the people pleasing. Right Now I am gonna get back to human design and how this is related. I have gate 14 in my Mars on the design side and in the work that I've done with Richard Rudd's Gen Keys and the Pearl Sequence, which is also known as the Prosperity Sequence, this is my core wound, so it is something that is going to prevent me from really stepping in and thriving and quantum shifting into the next reality of my business if I don't do the internal work to heal this Now.

Speaker 1:

When I first listened to Richard talk about this core wound, I was driving between my South Coast home and Sydney. I call myself a bit of a pinball. I'm back and forth all the time and there was a moment when I had to pull over because I felt like I was getting slapped in the face with my reality around this, that I have this tendency to not exercise my boundaries because I want to be liked or I want to be loved. I have a tendency to see the other person's perspective and start to question my own, instead of really owning who I am and radiating at my most highest level of magnetism, which is my most abundant form. Right, I had to pull over and really start to think about this and I wanted to share this in all honesty for you as well, because I see this in so many of my clients this, whether or not you had the 14, but this core wound around the people pleasing and the not exercising boundaries and the hiding your light and playing small and enough right.

Speaker 1:

If you don't let go of the things, the people, the places that are in some ways keeping you small, that you are not able to be your full self with, then you won't allow yourself the full expression of you, which is where you're most resourceful, which is where you're able to scale and grow your impact and attract all of the abundance that is yours. And I'm not talking about financial abundance here specifically that is part of it but I am talking about an abundant life, a life that fills you with joy, that creates the legacy that you so desire. You're not going to have that if you start, don't start really healing this inside of you, and I know this to be true for me, and I really have experienced a I was going to say a huge shift, and it is huge, but it's been little bit by little bit by little bit, crossing this chasm from compromising myself into my full expression and becoming more bounteous. This is the acidic state in the gene keys. That is my birthright and the 14,.

Speaker 1:

This gate is all about the richness that is available when you are being your brilliant, fully expressed self, when you have created a working life that you love so much that it feels like you never have to work a day in your life again. Right, this is why we do what we do. This is why we become entrepreneurs, because we are letting go of the compromising ourselves in a corporate setting, for example, and creating a business, a life where we get to show up in full alignment with who we really are. But too many women bring those self-sabotaging people, pleasing behaviors across from their old life into their new life, and so they're never going to fully realise their dreams. And maybe you're one of them, because, let me tell you, I am one of them and I hear you, I empathise with you, I relate to you and I'm doing the work to heal this, to really step up, and I trust that if you're in my community, and particularly if you've been around for a while, you've seen this huge shift in me.

Speaker 1:

Now, why this is so relevant at the moment is because we are about to experience Gate 14 in the Sun placement. Maybe by the time you're listening to this, gate 14 is in the Sun placement and this means this is a time, an especially potent time, for you to really anchor into this wisdom and to know that it is present for your beautiful clients, your future clients, and that it's something that is going to be very resonant to them. So don't be surprised if this episode is blowing your mind and it feels so bang on, because that is the background frequency right now, my friends, and this is the work that I'm bringing forward through the YouTube channel, through my cosmic content prompts, to help you appreciate this background frequency and start to communicate, to message into this frequency. So how can this work for you? Well, number one, I have just told you a story that reflects my experience with Gate 14. Of basically just showing you an example of how you can work with this frequency, right? So you can see, I've just told you a story that is really resonating with you, and the reason it's so powerful in this moment for you is because gate 14 is present for you. Okay, so that's the first thing I would say.

Speaker 1:

Number two is, if you're working with this energy, the kinds of content that you wanna be sharing. It doesn't have to be a story of when you self-sabotage or people please, or compromised yourself and how you work through that and elevated. It could be that you're teaching others that you're actually in a position of. I have this experience. I can help you and this is relevant no matter what niche you're in right, like if you are a health coach, this is about helping your beautiful ideal clients to move from a state of compromising their health okay. Whereas for me, in the field of human design and marketing, I'm going to be helping you move from a place of compromising yourself in your marketing through to this beautiful state of full expression and aligned and authentic marketing that will resonate more with your clients, okay.

Speaker 1:

So let me give you an example of how I would work with one of my clients with this wisdom, and this is a real life example. So my client, sal, says to me I am so drained I don't even wanna show up right now, like I don't even wanna go online, but I find myself obsessing over but I have to because the algorithms for getting who I am, and if I don't show up, then my people aren't gonna wanna keep buying from me and all of the stories right, all of the low frequency of it doesn't feel good and the conversation goes like this what would feel good for you? I know you're tired, but what actually gives you energy versus taking your energy away? What does that look like for you Now? She absolutely loves and advocates and coaches visibility and is incredibly potent in live videos and working with this gate, we identified that for her, it's bringing this wisdom into her live video and going live and talking about either a time when she compromised herself which I've just given you an example of and what she did to overcome it or teaching her audience how to move out of compromising themselves and invisibility you can imagine this is very prevalent.

Speaker 1:

You may feel this yourself where you're telling yourself stories about how people don't actually wanna see you and who are you to do this anyway, and that's keeping you from actually showing up and marketing your business and being visible in a way that is actually going to serve people and get them to discover you. Okay, so you can see this full circle of how cosmic content works, both from a storytelling perspective, from an authority building perspective, and also how it resonates with you. This is the reality of working with content codes. So one thing I wanna suggest to you is to actually do yourself a favor, if you haven't already, and subscribe to my YouTube channel, where there'll be a new gate video coming each and every well, I was gonna say week, but it's every six days. Also, make sure you're in my human design for marketing Facebook group where every Monday, every Monday which is Sunday night, if you're in many other parts of the world I share with you the exact movement of the gates in both the sun position and in the mercury position, as well as what this means for your marketing. So there are so many resources that are beautifully gifted to you to help you radiate at your most brilliant expression, elevate your frequency and activate your most magnetic personal rant.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for jumping into this off the cuff episode with me. I am so grateful to have you in my world listening to my podcast and hopefully also joining me in some of my other platforms, like YouTube and my Facebook group. Have a beautiful day. I'll be back soon. Bye for now. Thanks for tuning in to the Human Design for Marketing podcast. Make sure you hit that subscribe button, tell your friends and extra brownie points Go. Leave me a review. I would so appreciate it. There are heaps more resources in the show notes. I can't wait to be back in your ears again soon. Bye for now.