The Human Design for Marketing podcast™, with Yvette Mayer

Bodygraph Secrets for Attracting Abundance, episode #156

Yvette Mayer Season 3 Episode 156

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The last episode of my podcast literally blew up, which was on finding your ideal clients inside your human design chart. A lot of you found it invaluable and reached out telling me it was absolute gold in decoding the key placements inside your chart for better understanding your clients, your community and how you best attract them (your magnetism).  

And today’s episode isn’t less loaded. I’m sharing more magic on finding your money magnetism inside your chart. We talk money. We talk spirituality. Because well, while money is essential, it's also crucial to align with your spiritual journey. And that’s exactly what we’re exploring here.

I’m sharing where to look to find your money attraction keys inside your Human Design chart. (you can download your FREE chart here).

Make sure you grab a pen and paper for this one as well; take loads notes and most importantly, take action on this wisdom!

We are going to explore:

  • Four Money Gates (plus One bonus, so Five in total)
  • Two Channels for money and abundance (one is, you guessed it, channel of money)
  • A key Planet placement (both personality and design sides) for understanding your gifts, abundance and wealth attraction

In addition to these, I’m also exploring in detail the Pearl Sequence in Gene Keys and sharing;

  • how to work with your gates and planet placements inside your pearl sequence to understand the mechanics of law of attraction for yourself
  • how I worked through my pearl sequence (many times now) to absolutely transform my relationship with money, abundance and freedom

These can be the most transformative 30 or so minutes of your HD exploration life. 

Actionable Steps:


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Speaker 1:

Hi, hi, welcome to the Human Design for Marketing podcast. I'm your host, yvette Mayer, and this shows for you if you're done with cookie cutter marketing and ready to build your personal brand in alignment with who you really are. I'm a marketing expert, human design nerd and intuitive business coach who's helped hundreds of women just like you to elevate their frequency and activate their most magnetic personal brand. Each week, we'll dive into practical tips, interviews, conversations and more to help you create and align business, a positive contribution and, of course, an abundant life. Let's dive in. Hello and welcome back to the Human Design podcast. I'm so grateful you're here.

Speaker 1:

The last episode went off, so I know I have more of you joining me now, and I just wanted to send you a huge welcome and a big dose of gratitude for making the decision to put me in your ears Now. If you had been getting a lot out of this, please, I would love you to go ahead and leave me a review. I had somebody reach out after the last episode that said she'd taken five pages of notes and I encouraged her to do that and thankfully she did so. I'm sending you the same request as well, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Now let's get into today's very exciting episode. We are going to be exploring the secrets inside your body graph to attracting more money. Now I know that, as a listener, you are a business owner. You likely have a business that you're marketing online, and you also are on a journey to discovering more about yourself through human design. So that tells me that, even though money is a huge priority for you, as it is for all of us, you also have, let's say, a more spiritual side to you and can appreciate that money isn't everything. It's not everything. I believe that when we get into business for ourselves, it becomes something that we chase, because we typically go from being given a regular paycheck without having to sell unless if you have a sales job specifically but we typically go from signing up to a JOB and receiving a nice big wad of money every week or fortnight or month, and it's super simple, right.

Speaker 1:

And then we get into business for ourselves, and even though it's so exciting because we are following our purpose and our soul's mission and we're so lit up and fulfilled by the work, there is this other side to it, and that is that we are responsible for bringing in money, and that means we have to get better at things like selling and it's not comfortable for all of us and also really work on our money mindset, because most of our beliefs around money are formulated in our younger years. And I'm not sure about you, but for me I am a Gen X child, so I go out with parents who were parented during World War II or just after World War II. A lot of scarcity around, a lot of fear, and it's not surprising that you know I was surrounded by things like money doesn't go on, grow on trees and we can't afford it, and those are some of the hard coded beliefs that I've had to work with in my adult life, and particularly since having my own business. So I get it. It's a big factor. The other thing that I would say before we get into this episode is that and this is going to come through in the teachings in this episode is that money and chasing money can create a lot of scarcity in our nervous system, and scarcity lowers our frequency. And so, even though I'm sharing with you today how to find your money attraction power in your human design body graph, I also want to be clear that this is a very inside job. Yes, working with human design is going to help you, but it's not going to help you in the way you might think. It's going to get you to look at where you might be blocking yourself from receiving money. So it's less about marketing and more about your personal attraction field.

Speaker 1:

But if it is money into your business that you're chasing, I would recommend that you would go and take a look at episode I have this written down next to me. I would say go and have a look at episode 116. Put that one in your ears. It's all about how your human design can help you sell more, which adds up to more money. So it's kind of the same thing. But in this episode we're gonna take a look at the key placements in your human design chart and it's not necessarily they're not always in your chart, to be honest because I'm gonna share some gates with you, some channels and then some planetary placements, and so you may or may not have these gates, all the channels that I'm referring to, and that's perfectly fine. It is not a determinator of whether you're gonna be able to attract money at all, but when we get into some planetary work, we all have gates sitting in planets, in every planet. So this is gonna be something that you have that you can personally consider in your money attraction field.

Speaker 1:

Now, before we go any further, I have to say this the best way to attract more money into your life and your business is by being in alignment. What does being in alignment look like? Well, you're a human design lover, so you know that it means following your strategy and your authority. These two pieces are more powerful than any of your gates. If you're in alignment, you are reducing friction, you are taking resistance out of your life, your on purpose, your in an essence or a high frequency, and that is very attractive to money and money. When you're aligned, money will love you, it will become more effortless, it will flow and you won't be so fixated on it, and that's ultimately what we want for you.

Speaker 1:

So I really wanted to make sure that I shared that before getting into what I know you came for, which is but tell me, tell me, tell me which gates? What does it mean for me? How do I dance with them? How can I attract more money with ease? So that's where we're gonna go. I'm gonna share with you four specific gates, two channels and one planet, and look at it from both the personality side and the design side, then I'm gonna wrap this up with a beautiful bow at the end and give you some of my own insight around money, manifestation and the law of attraction.

Speaker 1:

So let's first get into the gates that well, I have heard some of these gates referred to as the money gates, and so if you're new to human design and you're like, do I have these gates, do I have them, Do I have the money gates, you wouldn't be alone and in fact, what I'd suggest you do, if you're listening to this somewhere where you can, is have a look at your chart, get your chart out for this episode and, while you're there, grab a pen and paper, because there's gonna be some things in here that you really wanna take note of to explore in your own time. So have a look at your chart as we go through these particular gates. So the most obvious money gate is gate 45. It is known in human design as the gate of the gatherer, but when you really explore this gate in more detail, it's a throat centered gate, so it is gathering through the voice and through manifestation, and it's not the gatherer around gathering people together, but it's really about gathering the right resources. Okay. So resources, money, are they the same? Well, I would say money is a resource, but resources are things that support us. So your resources may be your team. It might be your processes that you have a lot of resources. It might be a coach you have a lot of resources, but do consider that most of the resources that you have, you have because you invest into those resources. So money plays a really big role here. So the first one I want you to have a look at to see if you have it in your chart I do not is gate 45 in the throat center.

Speaker 1:

Now, getting into this gate in a bit more detail, I'm going to talk about the gene keys and the low versus the high frequency, or the shadow versus the gift. So the shadow of gate 45 is dominance. It's this unhealthy power, I would say, and it's trying to take over everything going on around your money or your resources, whereas the high end of this, the gift, is about synergy. And as we explore this frequency more, the big picture is that when you're in this forceful energy and this is going to come through pretty much every gate we explore when you're in this forceful energy, this dominant energy, you're repelling money versus when you're in a place of being open and seeing that we all have a role to play, that we're all valuable and that money is just a construct, whereas what we want is a healthy society where everybody is equitably rewarded. That's the gift of synergy. So you're looking for a synergistic energy here, which I think is really interesting. So you're going to learn a lot about how you feel about money. Just listening to me, and if you're already thinking well, that's not what I signed up for. I want to know how do I attract money. Stay with me, we're going to get that. Okay. So that's the 45 in the throat center.

Speaker 1:

The next gate to talk to you about is the 21. As I record this, we have gate 21 coming up later this month, I think within the next couple of weeks. So gate 21 is going to be in the energy of gate 21, which I refer to as being the resourceful in the way that I work with human design and marketing. So again, it's got a lot of resourcefulness about this gate. In this gate, the low frequency is control so penny pinching, always obsessing, looking at your money and holding onto it tightly and the high frequency, or the gift, is authority, so that's a slightly more detached emotion. It's having sovereignty over your approach to money and feeling that you can trust money, you can trust the resources in your life and know that they will even flow, but that overall, that you will be absolutely okay and so will other people when they're in this energy. So this is the 45 and the 21. The 21 is a will center or a heart center gate, so this has a lot of desire, I would say, wrapped into it. So there's some desire here around the energy of money. I've also heard this placement. Actually, on this month's episode of the Human Design podcast with Emma Dunwoody, she talked about this gate being the treasurer. So again we can get philosophical and go into the Genki's language, which I'm doing a little bit here, but no bones about it.

Speaker 1:

The 45 and the 21 are the two prominent money gates. If you have these in your chart, I would recommend that you go and explore where are they, where do they sit for you and, depending on the planet that they're aligned, to go a step deeper what is the role of that particular planet in your chart and therefore in your life? You want to understand. I, somebody who has resources showing up in Venus, which is more about love, for example? Is it showing up somewhere like Uranus, which is a differentiator for you? Okay? So it's not as simple as yeah, I've got this gate. You also want to understand the role of the gate. If it's showing up in Saturn, it could be a big lesson for you in this life. So that's what I'd ask you to do if you have this gate.

Speaker 1:

Okay now, the reason I started with these two as a pair is because they are a pair. These two make up what is known as the channel of money and believe you me, when I first did my chart and realized that I did not have the channel of money, I was like does that mean I'm not going to have money? The answer is no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's more about leadership actually having this particular channel. It's more about having a bigger picture approach to resources and finances, and leadership comes into that. And ultimately, where we want to go is to a place where, as a society, money is not so dominant and that there is more equity in the way we live. So there's that as well, okay.

Speaker 1:

So there the first two gates. The next one is gate 55. So gate 55, I do have this one, and when I noticed that I did, I was like, oh good, I do have this abundance gate. Now it's called abundance, but it's actually abundance of spirit. So it's not referring to money or monetary abundance, but to a sense of joy, a sense of freedom. But ultimately, when you have this, when you have a sense of joy and freedom, then, yes, you're going to be able to attract money more effortlessly. And so it's interesting to me that I have the 55 in my moon on the personality side, and your moon placement is all about what you are motivated by and what you desire. And so, of course, this is where I have the 55, because I'm motivated by being lit up and liberated in my life and in my work. And I've been using this hashtag since before I did my or had my first ever human design reading. And isn't that just? And of course, you can't make this shit up. You can't make this stuff up when you consider that sitting in there against, what motivates me, it's freedom, that's the high frequency or the gift state of gate 55. This is what motivates me. Okay, now we don't really want to go in too deep into the more negative or the shadow frequency here in 55, because it's about victim hood, it's about blaming other people for not having enough in particular and maybe feeling shut down Right. So again the 55. I think this is really worth contemplating.

Speaker 1:

Emma and I talk about this gate on the human design transit podcast every single month, because we know together that our collective communities are driven by abundance, and particularly by the freedom aspect rather than the money aspect. Actually, I'm going to talk about two more gates. I did say four, but I'm going to talk about two more. So the next gate for you to have a look and see if you have, is the gate 14. The gate 14 sits in the cycle center, and I'm going to talk about another gate related to this one, which is gate two, which sits in the G center. The reason I'm bringing both of them together is because they make up the channel of the beach. So let's start with gate 14.

Speaker 1:

This, again, is another placement that is about resourceful nets, but more than that, it's about this energy for Well, if you go into the jane keys, it's an energy of capability, capacity being able to make it happen, and so that is a driver that certainly attracts money, this essence of complete and utter capability. I have deeply explored this gate because it sits in my design, mars, and your design. Mars is your biggest block to your let's say, your career or work or vocation success, which ultimately affects money as well. So this is a placement that and I know we talked about in this, this in the last episode that if you're looking for where you might be blocked around money, you might want to look at this placement as well. So I will come back to this when we're talking planets at the end.

Speaker 1:

But for me, I have the 14 in this placement, this block placement. So what I work with here is, yes, the gift, oh my God, it is like it is a very success oriented gate and I relate to this completely. I am a very capable human, but the shadow, the block, is compromise, and this is something that is work that is ongoing. For me, it's having clean boundaries, it's saying no, even though I have a deep people pleaser inside of me. All of that, and I do talk about that on some other episodes which I'll link you to in the show notes or the description. So that's the 14.

Speaker 1:

And then the two, which is in the G center. Oh, I love this. I love this gate and, yeah, I actually do have it as well. I have this channel. The two is it's a more spiritual gate. I call it the manifestation magnet. It's about being able to see and manifest towards you your desires and yes, that is true of things like abundance desires. It may it may relate to money specifically, and so it's another one worth talking about. And when you pull these two together, the 14 and the two, and they create the channel of the beat. When you go looking at things like the, each thing it is depicted by incredible abundance, like it's literally a chariot carrying gold and riches.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so these gates I would say the 14, slightly more so, but the 14 and the two these are other gates To have a look at. Have you got those gates? Where are they sitting? What could that mean for you? Is it a in a place where you can really work with that dynamic? Get to know these gates more deeply. Now, as I said at the beginning, it doesn't matter if you don't have these gates, any of these gates, in your chart. These are just places to gain more wisdom, to see how they play a role in your life and understand them in more detail. Because, yes, they do have a correlation to money and, especially if you're in the gift frequency of these gates and of these channels, then you are more attractive to abundance.

Speaker 1:

So, as I said, we were going to do four gates and two channels. I ended up talking about five gates, two channels and one planet. But that's okay, right? So here we find ourselves. We've done the kind of the gate exploration. Now we're going to talk about one. Actually, we're going to mention that planet again, but we're going to talk about one main planet. So it doesn't matter what gate you have stationed here. We can all work with this planetary placement. We all have a gate and a line that sits inside this planetary position, like all planetary positions, and it is Jupiter. Your Jupiter is highly related to blessings, to gifts, abundance and, yes, to attracting money. Right? This is what you came here for, this is what you really wanted to know, and so, knowing this, I want you to do a deep dive on these gates and lines.

Speaker 1:

Firstly, on your personality sign For me, I have the 34.6 sitting in the personality site. Let's explore what that means for me to give you an idea of the work required here, the 34,. Well, this one is. It's a gate about power, but the shadow frequency here is force and the gift frequency, yeah, that's when we get into power, that's where we get into strength, and so my code or shorthand for this gate is power over force. And you want to believe that this is a lesson that I continually come back to. Where am I forcing things in my business, because that is going to shut off the flow of abundance? How can I be more confident, more self-assured, more in my power as a business owner and a marketer? It's interesting.

Speaker 1:

I pulled a card when I was on retreat a couple of weekends ago and it was from this beautiful deck by a line of Fairchild and the whole deck is themed around roses. But I pulled this card which was so aligned to this energy that essentially said that it was time to consider myself as the rose, the flowering rose that doesn't want or chase for anything, that just by flowering and being at their fullest beautiful potential that they effortlessly attract. And of course I was like, yeah, this gate feels so true for me. Another way that I think about this gate linked is the difference between being the honey and being the bee. You want to be the honey in your marketing, not the bee, the honey that just oozes and has a beautiful aroma and it tracks all the bees to you, not the bee that is just buzzing around everywhere, crazy busy, okay. Oh, I just love a little bit of analogy going on in there. So that is mine.

Speaker 1:

So take a look at what you have in your Jupiter placement, which is the gate, and then go explore that gate in more detail and in particular, if you're not getting enough juice out of human design and the human design description, take a look at the gen key, have a look at the shadow, have a look at the gift. See what you need to learn here to open you up to more attraction of money. The other thing to look at is the line as well. So I'm not gonna go into every single line here. I really love Richard Rudd's prosperity sequence, by the way, which calls this Jupiter placement the pearl. It's like the pearl on top of his whole prosperity sequence or pearl sequence, this Jupiter on the personality side, he when I do that work, he can see he's got his own definitions for the lines.

Speaker 1:

So I have the six here, which is really this more wise place of acceptance that life is for living and seeing a bigger picture and wanting the best for everybody. Well, that is part of my money story, or the most attractive money story for me. It's like being this more detached, more wise, bigger picture and merging this with my power over force and detachment. I've said this from the beginning of this episode, but these themes just come out for me, and you know why they do Because I've had my own struggles with money. I've had to deal with my own money mindset and I have felt that clutchy, grabby, scarcity, money, energy and it completely screwed with my business when I was within that energy. My business went backwards Okay, because I came off in a low frequency. I began talking about money more rather than less as part of my marketing because I was in this scarcity place. So, side topic, but very important for you as well that you want to come at this appreciating that there's gifts in here for you. But it may mean dealing with your own money story and mindset from a wherever I come from perspective as well.

Speaker 1:

Now you're also gonna have a look at what you have showing up in this Jupiter placement on the design side. And look, I also have the 34 here. This one is with line two, so it's a little bit different. In human design, this is essentially what was coded into you three months before birth, so I already had power over force going on in there. But the nuance that comes from the gene keys and I really want to make sure you get that this is coming from the gene keys and on a Richard Rudd's work is that he looks at this placement as your culture. So this is more about the culture of your business. So the culture of my business is power over force and then the line is around the type of team that is best for you.

Speaker 1:

So here I have line two and the line two is about partnership and if you go back many episodes you will hear me talk about how I used to be quite closed down to partnerships in my business until I did this work and let's be absolutely transparent, I potentially wouldn't have grown so quickly if I didn't open up to partnerships, if I didn't say yes to being on Emma's podcast Emma Dunwoody's podcast every month. Her podcast is the biggest human design podcast in the world. I also said yes to teaching in her membership, hdx, which I did last year and I'm doing it again this year there is some fear around partnerships. For me it's like am I giving too much into somebody else's community? I'm not gonna lie, but I've opened myself up to this because of human design and the gene keys and exploring my edges. Like how do I get into my edges and be more aligned for what is right for me? That will ultimately attract abundance with more ease.

Speaker 1:

And so, in a nutshell, looking at Jupiter and money as it relates to your human design, for me it's those gates and then it's Jupiter in a lot more detail. But even more than that, if you really wanna go on a money specific journey with human design, I would go to the sister system, that is, the gene keys, and work with the gene keys prosperity sequence. I have worked through this sequence myself more than once, but I've also been through it with four clients from a one-on-one perspective and it has opened up completely new possibilities. I do have an episode on this particular sequence and it is episode 131, where I talk about it in relationship to one of my clients and the journey we went on together. So that's another great episode to refer back to that is about prosperity and let's call it about money as well. So that's it.

Speaker 1:

As I said, money is a sensitive topic for business owners. It is something that we need in our lives to fund our essentials, but more than that that we want so that we can live a life of more freedom, a life of more abundance, and the way we get there is actually by being more aligned, less resistance in our life. That comes back to the same two things, which are your strategy and your authority. But also there is more here. There is more gold inside human design and the gene keys, and when you get deeper into that, it can just shift you into slightly different frequency or energy and make a huge difference. So I have to say that, being very conscious that my blessings will come to me when I exercise less force in my business and I relax into the fact that I am already a powerful human. That's when things flow, and I am talking about money flowing. So this is, I think, super insightful, or will be super insightful for you as well. It's those nuanced lessons that sit within placements like your Jupiter that are really worth you going more into and sitting with them.

Speaker 1:

This is not short work, it's not a quick win, it's not a get rich quick scheme. It's nothing like that. It's contemplation, it's opening up to more of your essence and expressing that essence in a way that makes things flow, and what we want flowing into our businesses is money. We want to have a flow, a steady flow of clients coming towards us, and we ultimately want to create more flow and ease in our human self and have that sense of freedom. That's what I want for me and what I want for you as well.

Speaker 1:

I hope you've loved this episode as much as I've enjoyed bringing it to you. One more thing before I go. I currently offer 90 minute deep dives into your human design for marketing. These are priced at $497 AUD, but let me tell you what you get is far more than a reading. It's actually me, in my intuitive business coach mode, interpreting your human design chart and pointing out some strategies for you to create more effectiveness in your marketing going forward. Because of this and the incredible feedback I'm getting and how much energy it requires for me to get into this intuitive zone, I am going to be putting the price up significantly. So if you've been thinking about having one of these readings, book it in now, at the end of March so from April 1, the price is going to be going up significantly for these. They are genuinely worth far more than the $497 AUD price point. So go do that and, apart from that, have a wonderfully abundant week, and I look forward to being back in your ears sometime soon. Bye.