The Human Design for Marketing podcast™, with Yvette Mayer

Affiliate Marketing, Alignment & Vibes, with guest Alicia Bettison episode # 162

Yvette Mayer Season 3 Episode 162

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Ever felt like the missing piece of puzzle to your business success was simply understanding yourself better? 

Alicia Bettison, an intuitive business coach, joins me in this episode to share her story of how Human Design transformed both her personal and professional world big time. 

Alicia is an alumni of the Frequency Project, my signature program on comprehensive Human Design for Marketing wisdom, and a winner of the last round’s challenge prize - winning private coaching time with me! She’s an A-player, you bet!

She’s SHARING IT ALL, ever so vulnerably and gracefully, how understanding AND embodying her 2/4 line profile as an emotional Manifesting Generator made ripples of transformation possible for her, such as: 

  • building a 7-figure business together with her husband, 
  • pivoting into her multifaceted ‘affiliate marketing’ empire  >> (+ a spotlight on affiliate marketing/network marketing tips in alignment with HD for interested women)
  • manifesting her dream home and life, 
  • offering retreats (per her liking & style) on her amazing property, 
  • intuitive business coaching to other amazing women

All in her true Manifesting Generator style.

But the truth is,it’s not just your Design but really how you claim and live it which makes all the difference!!

You’ll also get a sneak peak on what’s inside the Frequency Project program, in Alicia’s (incredible) words (absolutely blessed to have such amazing women join the program). Listen from her, the impact, the support available inside the Frequency Project community + of course the Human Design and Marketing flavored, nuanced + practical conversations happening all the time in there.

Our conversation here is definitely going to inspire you with a confetti of ideas on how to embody and apply your own Human Design blueprint in your life, business and marketing.

So tune in for the listen and leave inspired and activated for claiming your own Soul blueprint.

For extra Marketing with HD magic:
The Frequency Project is open!  Sign up here.

PS: if you want to connect with Alicia and her work, here's her page where you'll find all her offers and socials
PPS: if you're interested in working with Alicia, book a call here


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Speaker 1:

Hi, hi, welcome to the Human Design for Marketing podcast. I'm your host, yvette Mayer, and this show's for you if you're done with cookie cutter marketing and ready to build your personal brand in alignment with who you really are. I'm a marketing expert, human design nerd and intuitive business coach who's helped hundreds of women just like you to elevate their frequency and activate their most magnetic personal brand. Each week, we'll dive into practical tips, interviews, conversations and more to help you create an aligned business, a positive contribution and, of course, an abundant life. Let's dive in. Hello and welcome back to the Human Design for Marketing podcast, and this week I have a special guest.

Speaker 1:

I am bringing on Alicia Benson. Alicia is an incredible woman who I've actually known for many years. We first crossed paths in doTERRA. Today she is an intuitive business coach and over the years, her husband and her have built companies to seven figures I know right, massive Across various different businesses, and it's been a ride. And we're going to talk about the journey to seven figures and past, what's happened since I'm also going to. Well, let me start us off before we even go there. Going to well, let me start us off before we even go there by inviting Alicia to share with you guys all about her design and what it feels like to live in that design. Some of you are going to relate to this. She is headline and emotional Manny Jen 2-4 profile. But from there I'm going to hand it over to you. Alicia, big, big welcome.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much. Thank you so much for having me. Okay, what is it like? I think one of the coolest things since coming across human design and just exploring that over the past few years is feeling a deep sense of not not relief, but that it's kind of like a relief to how I've been literally operating my whole life and looking at things where I have flowed and where where it hasn't flowed and and understanding that literally, that is how I'm designed and why things work in a certain way, instead of it being things that people have told you are wrong or you can't like. Particularly, you can't be that emotional, it's not. You know, you can't do this.

Speaker 2:

I'm like, but you don't understand or many gens you will understand this when people say you're just going to focus on the one thing.

Speaker 2:

Like, literally, we're designed to be lit up by many things at once and although I was already doing this and understanding that that was my truth, it's just like this big warm hug, this big warm hug that comes in and goes.

Speaker 2:

You know what. That's actually what you're designed to do, like all of those feelings and indications that you well, that I have felt within me over the years is trusting that deep voice inside of me, like there can be so much happening on the surface, there can be so much going on in life or whatever. Again, particularly if you're a many gen, I think, um, I can only speak from my experience, um, but I've always had this deep seated knowing if that makes sense. And again, like I think that um now understanding the defined centers in design, um, yeah, it makes sense that I do have a deep seated um grounding foundation. So even in the the most tumultuous times in my life, the most traumatic times, the most traumatic times, the most emotional times, there was still this feeling of a solid ground that I was able to kind of tap into, if that makes sense.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. And look, I've really enjoyed working with you over the last year or so to get to know you even better than I already did, through your design, actually and I'll never forget, when I first did a reading for you, how much emotion came through you because you really saw yourself so much.

Speaker 2:

Would that be fair to say Absolutely? I think that when it's one of and I've just actually really been looking into this since doing the Frequency Project with you understanding that that is probably one of the biggest gifts from the human design as well, is understanding that you can just allow yourself to be who you really are exactly who you are, yeah, exactly who you are.

Speaker 2:

Um, and that, if you I don't know kind of get lost along the way, there's like this, you know it is, it's like a, like a blueprint, I mean, and you combine all of these beautiful um systems that we have, or rituals or whatever, um. So when I had my first session with you, it was like being fully seen, yeah, and fully understood, and I hadn't ever experienced that myself, only in myself. I have a sense of that within me, but so many times feeling misunderstood. But also understanding again recently is that that's a space that I have held for people over so many years.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, being in that space to allow people to be fully seen, fully express their emotions, with no judgment from me.

Speaker 1:

That's who you're designed to be Exactly I'm getting goosebumps.

Speaker 2:

Look at this yeah, um but just really understand, like, why is it that you know there's always people that will come to me and they're like they've never told anyone these things and they're going through. I'm able to hold um their them able to hold their emotions, um, without taking them on as me, um and taking them into my space, um and as someone with an open or uh solar plexus, I find it very hard not to take other people's emotions on oh, don't get me wrong, if I don't, if I don't have my bubble, like am I going?

Speaker 2:

and it's, it happens, it does, it happens all the time. I'm like what is going on here? I'm like, oh, like I literally wasn't, didn't have my awareness up and, you know, something has kind of landed and I'm like, but it's, I would recognize that it's not my own. Yeah, yeah, and um, yeah, uh, so, yeah, it was, it was a really beautiful experience and it's just like this continual unfolding. Um, you know, as it is, it as it is anyway, life right. But, um, understanding more about line two recently as well, um, and because originally, like the hermit, I'm like I mean, yes, I, I love my own space, but really understanding the gifts that come with that when you allow yourself that, you know, I think, because we're so conditioned yeah, but your society condition that you've got to do things a certain way again, like coming back to that's when the, the gifts and the creativity and everything comes out for me, like I literally need that space to fully step into, yeah, your power, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Great segue. So I'm sure we have a lot of listeners who share your 2-4 profile. I know I have a lot of 2 who share your two-four profile. I know I have a lot of two-fours in my community and I, you know, I love working with you, but it is a more challenging profile when it comes to marketing, when you really do it. Yeah, I mean it's, you know it's there, it's hermit, it's influence, but not necessarily online influence, it's one-to-one influence. So has this uh affected you and your marketing approach?

Speaker 2:

okay. So this actually really confused me at the beginning. I'm like I was like I understood it because I'm like, well, okay, that's me, like I get that. How on earth, how on earth do I use that in marketing in the normal sense, in what we've been told? Yeah, exactly, and I was really stuck with it for a bit.

Speaker 2:

However, again like deepening into the conversation the curiosity whatever, and since the Frequency Project, the curiosity whatever and since the Frequency Project, uncovering the offers and my message, like deepening my connection with that, because I knew there was more to uncover, which is why I went into working with you anyway, with looking particularly at the profile lines and how and understanding how to actually use them with marketing, that is where it dropped in for me. And now, with my offers, now it makes complete sense. On, you know, like I'm I'm all good, like I've always been, about having the conversations with people in the dns. I'm like, well, how am I going to market stuff? Like if I'm just good, like I've always been, about having the conversations with people in the DMs? I'm like, well, how am I going to market stuff? Like if I'm just supposed to be, like talking to people and being social on social media rather than just literally popping. You know, popping my stuff up and selling all the time. However, I was like, well, that's literally how I operate.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's your innate way of operating. It's how I find the marketing strategies to express that to my advantage and to help my community find me yeah, and so I guess the the only thing that was left with.

Speaker 2:

Okay, well, this is awesome. I understand how I best do things. Am I wicked? That is amazing. The final piece of the puzzle is understanding and deepening into the inquiry of my human design and astrology, as well as to the new offers that I'm coming out with with my business. I'm in a space of repositioning, thank you to the Frequency Project, and so I have some beautiful current offers, but I'm really looking forward to deepening those and expanding on those after understanding more on the profile lines 2-4. So the line 4 is literally the networking and everything. So I love affiliate marketing, network marketing. So again, I'm like, well, I didn't understand how to like going okay, well, if I'm meant to be out there, but I'm supposed to be a hermit, how is it that I, how is it that I work these things? So your your Trello board with those, with the, the list on what to do, and combining that with the report that we get with the, with the human design and the content prompts there, is just brilliant.

Speaker 1:

Look to the audience. I did not get Alicia on to tell you how brilliant the frequency project is, but thank you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you and we will talk about the frequency project and I appreciate that so much and I really loved having you inside the program. And, fun fact, in the last round of the Frequency Project there were prizes as there are in the current launch that I'm going into for being in the live launch event, the Influence Activation Masterclass, and being visible. There's a bit of a checklist of criteria to go into the prize draw, which was $3,000 worth of prizes and guess who won number one prize. So it's a real thing. If you are inside, uh, influence activation and you're wondering whether people really win the prizes, yes, alicia can tell you. Uh, you won private time with me and I think that has you know.

Speaker 2:

That's just added to how much clarity you've gained in this process yeah, I think um the the confidence that I've um received through, I mean through the entire process and definitely doing the one-on-one coaching with you, a bit like brilliant um to confidently like step step, sidestep like, or just move into like, yeah, pivot. And, like I said, talk about repositioning. I mean, I've been in the webinar space for you know, 20 years and business as well, like for a long period of time, but just I'm so excited about what's coming Like I feel like this is just the you know, the big thing for everything. Yeah, it's beautiful.

Speaker 1:

So I'm sure let's move. I'm sure you'll still reference human design, but I'm sure there are women out there in the audience who either have an affiliate networking type of business, or they have a network marketing type of business, or they have other types of businesses and are considering bringing on one of those things to complement what they're doing. Now you are somebody who is so expert status in this arena and has made it not just let's call it a side project, but an opportunity for lightworkers to create a more freedom-based life by bringing these things together. Can you share with us what you do and how you help women?

Speaker 2:

Okay. So I think the number one thing is helping them align to what they're really passionate about, because I find most of the time, like there's so many opportunities out there right, most of the time, people will just grab them because they're an opportunity and, yes, you can make money with them. That's great, right. But if it's not truly aligned who you are and you don't understand your message and how you're selling and how you're going to get it out there, it can just be like another thing. So I would suggest that you literally look at your human design chart first you can jump online. I know you have a link as well. Human design chart first you can jump online I know you have a link as well Just so that you can understand a little bit more about yourself and what you're here to do, so that it aligns with what you're currently doing and so that it can deepen and leverage and give you the leveraging, some more cash flow to focus on what it is that you're truly here to do.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to use the example. So we have traditional businesses as well and, you know, even bringing in that new traditional type businesses, having them focused around passions and around how we best operate and how we want to create our business and our lifestyle. It's. It's a huge thing, um, and so definitely do that now with um, with me. I think it's reconnecting you with your soul's purpose and, I guess, kind of clearing out anything that's kind of gotten in the way. There's a lot of conditioning, a lot of emotions can get in the way and a lot of other people's stuff, just bringing you back to yourself and looking at what it is that you truly want to create and then go from there, instead of looking at opportunities and trying to fit them in.

Speaker 1:

So what I'm hearing from you, which I see see happen so much, is people getting into affiliate or network marketing, focusing on will this be an easy way to make money? Instead of yeah, like, how does this fit with and align with what I am here to do? What's my soul's purpose? Is this something that I can speak with complete conviction about, and do I need to just focus on one thing, or is it a couple of?

Speaker 2:

different opportunities.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, is is talk to talk to us about that a bit more. How many do you work with yourself?

Speaker 2:

um, okay, um, I think I I just added another couple of potential income streams recently and I think, look, that that's the thing, like I kept hearing and you know there's a lot of I'm going to say propaganda out there, saying to everyone that this is the way to do it and this is the way to make success, right, yeah, and people will have success with that particular, whatever it is, it doesn't matter, it could be, oh, you've just got to focus on the one thing. You've just got to do it this way. This is the the cookie cutter way to do it.

Speaker 2:

This is how I did it, understanding that that way is not the right way for everyone that is why, which opportunity you take, it's why people spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on all these different courses when, literally, if they understood themselves better, by just looking at who they are to begin with, they, um, could save themselves a lot, of, a lot of time and effort. Like you know, cutting down that, cutting down that timeline. But the the reason why I mean why else, like you, wouldn't want to be here to be doing anything else other than your purpose? Like I remember thinking over 20 years ago, looking at what I saw in life and going this cannot, this cannot be it.

Speaker 2:

Like I don't understand that you, you know the whole, like nine to five and the working and stuff like that just did not make sense to me. I didn't understand at that point on that, um, you know why, why? I would even think that I thought I was a fruit loop. Really, it was like why would I think that way? But you know little, did I know that? The, you know, we, what, if you don't have a connection to any kind of purpose or passion, like you, kind of like you know what is there? So why, why would you, when there's so many opportunities out there, just grab whatever because it looks good?

Speaker 2:

I've turned down so many amazing, amazing ways to make money, no doubt, right? However, do they fit in with, like, my, my parameters, my, um, some of the things that I've set up? Is, you know, like, looking at what is the most important in my life at the moment, does that align? And by alignment I don't mean kind of fit in, kind of that, literally. It is a natural flow, a natural progression, a natural like. It just makes sense, right?

Speaker 1:

And then because of your line four, when you are and you know, and I think if anyone's a two-four listening to this and we're on this topic, you are just such a powerful, influential human when you're in that place of I love this. Everybody needs to know about it.

Speaker 2:

It's a natural extension of who you are, not something that you've kind of forced in as an opportunity to make money yeah, 100, and I've and over the years, like I've looked at things and been in situations where I've tried to force the issue or, um, been doing like a challenge with other people, whatever, and it just it just wasn't vibing for me and nothing like things if things, things if anything would go backwards in my business, because it just it just was like, well, that's someone else's timeline, that's someone else's, you know their, their action, and like trying to shove it into this way of being instead of just allowing it. Now I'm, you know, I am a hard worker, yes, but I also understand that, and again just recently, it doesn't need to be a struggle, but the ease and flow literally is there. And I look at all of the times when, you know, manifesting things I'm going to, I'm going to call that in, where I have thought of things and gone, oh my God, this would be so amazing ahead of my life. And here I am trying to create a gun. You know that's going to be a lot of work, but that's okay, no worries, I can do it Next minute.

Speaker 2:

There's this thing that I've been calling in Someone's already created it and they go like here you go, I'm like sweet, there's my next affiliate, right? Do you know what I mean? Yeah, but the line for you know, know, like I think initially I thought the like, the two and the four. I'm like it's such polarity, but it's just brilliant polarity in the end yeah, um because, like I'm, I'm allowed to dip in and out of my cape.

Speaker 2:

I love connecting with other people. That like being around others, like I love it.

Speaker 2:

It's, it's my vibe, but also and taking time out absolutely require that in order to be in my full expression as well. And you know, it's like you know, I know a lot of people and if they receive like a diagnosis for what's been going on with them, it's kind of like that. It's a construct that our brains can kind of go oh, that's right, instead of just being like off in the ethers. I get that because, like I'm off in the ethers all the time.

Speaker 1:

I think we all are time. Let's be honest, yeah, so I know that at this point, you are essentially living your dream life. Yeah, and I love sharing with others, uh, what that looks like and and what you've created for yourself and your family. Can you share a little bit about you know, the fun things like where you live and what your goals are and what your values are and who you've chosen to partner with and offer support to as a result?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sure. So look, it's an interesting thing because I think we are also fed an idea of what success needs to look like, and literally, you are the only one that can decide what looks like success for you. And it's very different to, I think, what I thought I wanted. You know, I had certain things on my vision board like 20, whatever years ago. I had certain things on my vision board like 20, whatever years ago. However, I quickly understood and it's been there the entire time.

Speaker 2:

Twenty years ago, I had this vision of I'm almost in tears now like of where I am right now. I, you know, we did this exercise. I'm sure everyone I'm sure everyone's not sure that everyone's heard of it, but it's called your ideal day, and so I visioned my ideal day and it was living on a property by the ocean, in nature, so many trees around I could hear like kids feet in the background, smell of a coffee, waking up there with my man. I had none of these things at the time, right and through everything and through. You know, there's been different things on my vision board. That thing has stayed true the entire time, and so what was different was how I thought I was going to receive that and how I thought that. So don't hold on to the how you don't know. Just allow yourself to be supported by all of the gifts and the miracles that are there. Just hold on to that vision for yourself, and so we have this amazing property now by the ocean Of course you do.

Speaker 2:

And creating an off-grid retreat. We're switching up how we're doing business and our income streams so that it's focused more in alignment with how we're living, and so we're creating an off-grid sanctuary where we are and it will be a base so that it's, you know, so we can do our travel and it's just brilliant. Look, there is a lot of hard work left to do. Like it's this beautiful space that has some trees, it's surrounded by trees. There are some other properties. It's not a massive property, but we've got the places pegged out for, you know, the organic garden.

Speaker 2:

We've started the orchard. We have this beautiful shed and studio that's going to be built. We've got this amazing wood that we've salvaged from the oyster leases around the area as our fence and we're going to be placing that on. We're going to be recladding the house and renovating the house. You know we started up like a little passion I say a little passion, so a little passion, business for stew, like a boat hire, and so we're just setting up that space as well and you know there will be our retreat space. So we've got the you know, the bell tents.

Speaker 2:

Oh, wow I love bell tents, I feel like mini retreats um, and many, many I mean festival vibes. I've done I've done that a lot in my in my past, and so the combo of you know all of the things that we're passionate about in the one spot, you know, while we grow our little family.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, and then uh, outside of. Uh, I know you support women to sort of choose which opportunities are right for them and mentor them into how to bring those offers into the market. What about you? How many kind of affiliate or network marketing businesses are you running for yourself at the moment?

Speaker 2:

I have a few main ones and then I have back-end ones, like I'm going to call it a marketplace, yeah, and so, you know, being a manager, there's a lot, there is a lot, and so I have affiliate links there that I don't actively promote, but I would recommend to people if they, if they came up and for years, like I was, you know, I was told and thought that this was a bad thing. You know, no, you've just got to focus on the one thing absolutely, it makes sense to have a clear message and something that you're focusing on to connect with your audience. Um, however, um, that that comes in when you are looking at your personal brand, um, and I think that, uh, so I'm just gonna like I don't actually know how many- so you'll just tell us some of the names.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure there you'll.

Speaker 2:

Some others will relate to you well, so I am actually an affiliate with um with the frequency yes, I've invited her into the Frequency Project.

Speaker 2:

Yay, so absolutely 100%, because it's like it is something that I love and it is completely in alignment with me and I believe people need that information. Another one is Soulcraft with Carmen Marshall. She is so beautiful and, again, like looking at the network marketing industry 20 years ago. She was literally doing her own thing, focusing on how she wanted to build and building a personal brand and everything, while everyone else was, like you know, telling her that it needed to be another way, and so she's built this amazing business. She's got an amazing course called Soulcraft your Way to 100K, and so I have done that course and I absolutely recommend it. It will give you everything that you need if you're in the network marketing space and want to do things differently and focused on your passions. Like it really, yeah, supports you in doing that.

Speaker 2:

So there's a couple of there's Inner Bloom. So Inner Bloom is a new space that I came across. It's a women's wellness and wealth academy Brilliant, amazing, amazing community, amazing content. Like there is a ridiculous amount of content in there. So I don't think you need to go anywhere anywhere else if you are looking for anything mindset well-being, as far as it comes to courses, and it's like energy frequencies, it's, it's digital marketing it's got so much there as well and to support people, um, and so that was something recently that I was like this would be amazing.

Speaker 2:

I was already having conversations with people saying this is what I'm looking to create, and then you found it. Well, yeah, and like to me, that makes sense, like with what I'm doing. I'm like if someone has, um, created something that I look at and believe that this is something that I look at and believe that this is something that I'm willing to put my name to and it saves me the work so that I can continue forward, like this is something that I would totally offer to someone who needed it. So there is a 10K Masterclass with Regan Hillier Amazing, amazing. I loved it when I did it, and so there was an offer with that, and it's an MRR. So Inner Bloom is MRR, so Master Resale, right. So I'm not going to go into that, but it's another way that you can earn money. And also, the most beautiful thing is that I am with doTERRA essential oils and so yeah, that's been a bit of an homecoming, hasn't it?

Speaker 2:

I think absolutely yes, look the um. I've been using essential oils for like 30 years and, uh, I've used doTERRA essential oils and I recently, very recently, have aligned with them and partnered with them to integrate within my business, not just because of the oils and it just makes sense Like I use them every day, like before I'm done here, I've got spearmint.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've got my oils behind me. You can't see my background on yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

so the oil of confidence speech, beautiful, um, and so one of one of the biggest things is that it can support well, it supports yourself and so many different you, you know, mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, environmentally, and again, it just makes, it just makes sense. And so, yeah, I feel like I'm home with that. And then I have some other affiliate links for like things that I use, like Flowdesk or some other courses that I have done that I'm not actively sharing at the moment but they're in like a marketplace. So women's circles, integrative nutrition you know all of the things.

Speaker 1:

I love this for you and I and I really wanted you to talk about this because I think that there is a lot of myths that go around about around this space and the fact that you're, as a mani, gen two, four, able to create whatever you want from this. To me, that's just so powerful and I wanted my listeners to hear that there are so many different ways to do business and marketing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but you just it just needs to light you up. Like, like I said, there's a million ways to make money, but if you chase money, it's elusive right. If you are just, literally everything is and you're excited about it, particularly as a managing right, particularly, you have to be lit up, otherwise it's not gonna it's not gonna translate. But I would imagine, just, you know, if you're a normal human being, like whatever you are, like managing generator, like whatever it needs to, like managing a generator, like whatever it needs to make sense, it needs to make sense for you otherwise, so do you have like a call link that the listeners could get in touch with you if they're curious about how this could work for them?

Speaker 1:

I'll pop it in the show notes yeah, yeah, absolutely yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'll give you a link to pop in there.

Speaker 1:

Well, before we go, I would love to hear a little bit about your Frequency Project experience, so tell me why you decided to sign up.

Speaker 2:

Again, I was calling it in. I felt that I look, I've done lots of courses over the years. Some I've finished, some I haven't as a manager again understanding that like I can skim over the thing and get what I need and that's okay yeah, you need to leave the rest right. But there was a pivotal moment for me, understanding that now is the time. Now is the time for me to step into fully who I'm here to be, um, but also that's a really only.

Speaker 2:

I've kind of always done that right yeah there's been new, new developments as to what I'm like, my understanding as to what I'm here for now, and so the the frequency project for me, understanding like it's it's all about vibe, it's it's all about the frequency right like oh my god, there's a song about that I know right, um, so, and look, I, I know you know yourself like how amazing to have someone who's got the experience in marketing that you have and bringing in in the human design.

Speaker 2:

But just more than that, it's like what I received and the value that I'd already received just from watching you and like the content that you've put out there and understanding how that can help with my business. Because, like, I'd already understood the human design, yeah, but as far as, like, how the hell, how do I get that out there? So, um, that that was. That was why, like, I completely trusted you and in this space, and I I'm so, I'm so stoked that I did it. It was a bonus that I won the prize as well and got that extra coaching with you.

Speaker 2:

Like, I can't even, I cannot even describe how grateful I am. I really feel like there's been so like, not feel like like there has been so much. It's just like I've been like continually unfolding, um, since beginning that and, um, I still need to dive back in and um, you know, with, with the new information, the new downloads that keep coming, keep coming, it's like literally allowed myself to like be, be in the vibe, be in the frequency of me and like just I'm, I can't even thank you enough.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if that's well, I can't thank you enough for those incredible words and I really have witnessed you blossom over these last couple of months. You have a new authority about you, a more confident way of expressing yourself, and I like honestly. I do this work because I want to spread this ripple effect of what's possible with human design and marketing and to hear how it's affected you is so fulfilling for my little generator heart, so thank you for sharing that I completely believe again, like this is the connection I believe people need to have with their affiliate, whatever they're offering, right?

Speaker 2:

I 100% know that people like I'm going to say, like they need this information, like it is a requirement. I need to send people to you, like, even if it's just getting their chart done, but through you understanding the human design for marketing, like that bit there. Um, yeah, because otherwise, like I, I know better how to how to work with them. I know better how to work with them. I know better how to help them if I understand, like, where they're at with them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and honestly, one of the great things about the Frequency Project is you're not just getting access to your profile. If you do have a new client coming along and you want to dive into a little bit more of their chart, you can do that inside the portal as well 100%, dive into a little bit more of their, their chart.

Speaker 2:

You can do that inside the portal as well, 100%, and so I and I have to. I've got to reference this because now I understand why I used to grind my gears with the um, the, the, the profile testing that you do in corporate oh yeah where you answer the questions in the way that you want to get the answer back.

Speaker 2:

That one, I know, and I was like going, this never made sense to me and I'm like now I understand why. I'm like, yeah, I was always all of the things and they're like, oh yeah, we're all a little bit of the same.

Speaker 1:

You know a little bit of each of them, but like oh, so you actually got a pretty fair representation that you it was muddy because of your many gen ways.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and people were like, oh, that doesn't make sense, but it was always so close, there were two that would come out in front, but like I don't understand, like you know, but literally yeah, so I just can't recommend it enough.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, thank you. Well, thank you so much for coming on. I love your story. I think the journey you've been on your incredible life and you know we didn't get into this, but you really go from a like on your knees, like worst case scenario, into what is now this most abundant and fully self-expressed experience of life that you're living it inspires me, you inspire me and I really appreciate you sharing your story and I encourage you as a listener if anything that Alicia's been speaking about has resonated, get in touch with her. She's just such a guru when it comes to well, wellness and soulful business and making sure that you are in alignment with the way that you express your gifts and are monetized for your magic. So, yeah, I'm going to have her details in the show notes and a big thanks again, alicia, for sharing your story with us.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for having me.

Speaker 1:

You're also welcome. Goodbye, my friend. Thanks for tuning in to the Human Design for Marketing podcast. Make sure you hit that subscribe button. Tell your friends, and extra brownie points Go. Leave me a review. I would so appreciate it. There are heaps more resources in the show notes. I can't wait to be back in your ears again soon. Bye for now.