The Human Design for Marketing podcast™, with Yvette Mayer

Your Most Magnetic Messaging is in Your Bodygraph! Episode 163

Yvette Mayer Season 3 Episode 163

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What even is messaging?

It’s not any piece of content; it’s a consistent story and theme permeating your brand.

Your messaging focuses on how you will deliver your value proposition and communicate your brands values. Based on the tone of voice, language, and core message, it’s a specific way to convey your ideas to your ideal clients.

It’s how your brand communicates its unique value proposition and personality through verbal and nonverbal messaging.

It’s not your copy! It’s a step before that….and before you get overwhelmed, your Human Design bodygraph has the answers.

Make sure you have a pen and paper handy for this one.

AND yes you should totally join the Frequency Project.


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Speaker 1:

Hi, hi, welcome to the Human Design for Marketing podcast.

Speaker 1:

I'm your host, yvette Mayer, and this show's for you if you're done with cookie cutter marketing and ready to build your personal brand in alignment with who you really are. I'm a marketing expert, human design nerd and intuitive business coach who's helped hundreds of women just like you to elevate their frequency and activate their most magnetic personal brand. Each week, we'll dive into practical tips, interviews, conversations and more to help you create an aligned business, a positive contribution and, of course, an abundant life. Let's dive in. Hello and welcome back to the Human Design for Marketing podcast. In this episode. It's going to be one of your favorites. It's a conversation about how you can find your most magnetic messaging inside your body graph, and I know this is going to be popular because these episodes where I reveal exactly where to look inside your body graph are our most downloaded ever and, as you can imagine, magnetic marketing, and magnetic messaging in particular, are very near and dear to my heart. It's a big part of what I help my clients with. It's a huge part of what we do in my signature program, the Frequency Project, which, by the way, happens to be open right now to sign up. We are starting next week, that's the week of the 3rd of June 2024. So go to the description if you're already. Like what I want to get involved in that, but other than that, today, like what I want to get involved in that, but other than that, today we're here to talk about magnetic messaging for your business and your brand. This is a hugely important I can't even stress how important it is that you listen to this episode. It may be one you want to have a paper and pen to hand for, because you're not just going to listen. You're going to fully integrate this wisdom and you're going to take action. You're going to go and discover for yourself exactly how to show up as a brand in your messaging. So, before we go diving into the body graph, I wanted to bring it to the conversation.

Speaker 1:

What is messaging? What is your brand's messaging? Because I think, if you're not a marketer by background, that it's pretty normal to think that messaging is copywriting, or messaging is the content you put out into the world. And the truth is it's not any one piece of content. It's certainly not your copywriting, whilst they play a very big role in how your audience experiences your message. They absolutely do do that, but your messaging is well. I think this is the fun part. It's a step before content creation or getting into the actual copy. So messaging, it is the essence of your brand and how you articulate that consistently and repetitively so that you build a unique presence in the market. Okay, so elements of your messaging are going to be your positioning, are going to be your brand story. It's inclusive of what I would call your brand values not just call, but what is your brand's values?

Speaker 1:

And your language lexicon. It's one way of describing the phrases and the words and the narrative that comes through a lot of your content and through into the copy that you share. And when I say copy, I don't just mean written copy. Your copy informs what comes out of your mouth when you're doing something like I am right now, which is speaking into the microphone. Okay, so messaging is a higher order, almost like a messaging hierarchy that frames up the content and the copy that you bring into the market.

Speaker 1:

Interestingly, it's not just what you say, it's also how you hold yourself. It's how others feel the energy or the frequency of your brand, whether that is through spoken message or through those more unconscious imprints. Which is messaging delivered at more of a subconscious level. It's both Okay. So it's a very, very important part of your business. If you don't have your messaging dialed in, gosh, that's such a marketing thing to say. But If you don't have your messaging dialed in gosh, that's such a marketing thing to say. But if you don't have clarity on the message of your brand, then you are going to struggle, my friend, to consistently attract clients. You're going to find it more difficult to show up and build your content. You're going to feel like it's all too hard. This marketing my business, this showing up on social media thing. It is just like you may even experience a level of despair, or it's the thing that's going to stop me from having the success that I want. That's how valuable getting your messaging right is. It is this beautiful launch pad that sets you up for clarity, confidence, conviction, flow, consistency all of the good things, all of the good things that have you in the energy that you need to be in to grow your business and welcome in the transformations that you're here to bring and work with more and more of those humans that really need what you have to offer. So that's my messaging intro. I trust that that has been felt by you, because you're not alone. If you weren't clear on what messaging is and you've probably seen marketing people talk about getting your message right and not necessarily have that explained to you so that is my gift to you by way of introduction.

Speaker 1:

Now let's get into what you showed up to this conversation for. You are here to learn how to find your messaging inside your body graph. So for this, I am going to bring you five different considerations. The first three are what I would call the primary areas for you to work with, and the other two are also going to have an influence and they're important. But I think the first three are going to be what you need to spend time on. And, by the way, we absolutely do this in huge depth inside the Frequency Project and I would be side by side with you, helping you build out your most magnetic messaging hierarchy framework, the whole deal right. Either way, let's do this, okay.

Speaker 1:

So the first placement in your body graph that is, honestly, I think, the most valuable, but you know you've heard me say that before is your personality sun. The sun placement in your body graph is responsible for 70% of the neutrinos, which is like the tiny particles of frequency that will land into you, that move through you, landing into your DNA, around who you are and the biggest lessons of your life and what that means for you as a human and what that means for you as a personal brand. So you need to start here If you're newer to human design. Your personality sun gate is the gate in the top right-hand of the column of planets and numbers. Okay, so the gates are the numbers that sit on the outside of your chart in two long lists and there's little tiny symbols that are the planets next to them. Top right hand, the right-hand side of your gates is your conscious gates. This is exactly where the planets were and which gates were stationed inside of them at the moment you were born, when you broke through and were transmitted into, okay, and so this gate it's going to have, it's going to be a decimal point. Mine is the 3.5. So we're focusing today on the actual gate, okay, and we're going to get deeper into what the line means in another point. But right now, step one the gate number. So there's 64 gates. You were born under a specific gate, just like you were born under a specific star sign.

Speaker 1:

Now, as we go through this. I will give you some insight into my own brand, because it's the best frame of reference, without me sharing, behind the scenes of my clients' work, how this has come to life for my business and helped me quantum shift my impact and influence as a marketer myself. So, personality sun gate. Hopefully you've got your chart in front of you, or you're going to get it. You're looking at your body graph and you're going to see what gate you have in this top right hand corner. If you're been working with your design for a long time, you know what this gate is. But here's a few exercises I'm going to get you to do to help you with your messaging. I want you to spend time with this gate, researching everything about it. You're also going to look it up from both a human design gate perspective as well as the gene key. Okay, because what I want for you is enough information for you to deepen into and synthesize what feels resonant and relevant for you to do this work. Now, as I mentioned, my gate and Jane Key is the three, and so I've spent a lot of time contemplating this and it is one of the strongest influences in my marketing 100%, so this placement is going to help you understand your brand from the inside out. This is your brand really, this gate. It is going to be very familiar to you when you get into. Well, what's the lower frequency, or the shadow of the gate? Because that you'll find it's something that happens over and over and over again in your life. And then also, what is that higher frequency of the gift of the gate? And that tends to be where you hopefully spend the majority of your beautiful life, experiment and experience. So in my instance, gate three.

Speaker 1:

In human design, it's one of the ones that has a pretty negative name. It's called difficulty at the beginning. Okay, so when I first learned that about myself, I'm like, oh, that feels hard, but I've done enough work with this to appreciate that it's because things are hard at the beginning for me that I innovate and I get to get into the more fun and playful state that is my life right now. It's because of the difficulty of going through breast cancer that I innovated the story of my life and left corporate to do more fulfilling work and have this freedom and this way. That is the very essence of my life and who I am as a human. So that's just talking about me as a human, but what does that mean for my brand? Well, you're going to experience that I am very authentic and transparent about the difficulties along my journey and I actually teach you how to show up and work through challenges, because I know we all have them, but you relate to them when I share these and I inspire you through my own journey to see that it doesn't matter if things feel hard or chaotic at the beginning, that it's possible for you to grow and expand into this more innovative version of yourself.

Speaker 1:

I just did this today, by the way, in an Instagram post where I shared that last week in my Influence Activation Live class 100% true story this was the biggest class I've ever ran in my business In five years online. Never have I ever had so many people sign up. There's nearly 700 people signed up. There was 70 odd live on the call. Most of them stayed all the way to the end. But what you didn't know or see on that call is just before I started, I realized that I'd walked dog poo into the room, and so this space that I'm in smells like dog shit and I'm sitting there going. Oh, my freaking God, this is so me. For this to happen. It's so me Like this is not surprising. How am I going to like, move through this? Let it go get present, be in the room, be in high frequency. So you would have found me minutes before that class on my hands and knees with wipes like wet wipes picking up the poo, getting rid of the smell, putting the incense on. I didn't actually share that story inside that class, but that is Look.

Speaker 1:

I know for sure that my brand is authentic. It's real. It is not afraid to share the chaos behind the scenes and what it's taken for me to build my business online. I am not your unicorn. Everything gets to be easy. I'm not going to come in here and tell you that you'll make 10-figure months within five minutes or everybody gets to build a seven-figure brand with ease. It's just not my story. It's not the truth as far as I'm concerned. It's not the way that I express myself. No, no, no, no, no. I'm going to share the moments like 18 months ago, when I was literally down on my hands and knees not cleaning up dog poo, but thinking I don't want to do this anymore, it's too hard. And then I'm going to go through the process of what it took to turn that around right. This is very me as a gait re-brand.

Speaker 1:

So some of the things, after you've had a look at this placement for yourself, that I'd love you to do and I know this is easier for me and you will get more of this if you're working closely with me but I want you to ask yourself, if this gate were a brand, what would this brand stand for? If this gate were a story, what would the story be about? And really look at that low and high frequency when you're thinking about what would the story of this brand be? And then the next thing I want you to consider is what would the values of this brand be? So, in my example, my brand values transformation, alchemy, finding the gold in the mess right, it's always the gold in the mess. Right, it's always the gold in the mess. Uh, fun play these are actually the acidic state in the gene keys and authenticity, right. All of these things are very key values to my gate three, and if you you happen to have your personality sun in the three, then you may relate to this as well.

Speaker 1:

So that's the very first place to go, looking for your most magnetic message inside your body graph. Now, the second placement, which is really equally as important because it is your communication at a soul level, like how you are programmed to communicate your soul's message is your personality Mercury. So you are likely aware that Mercury is the planet of communication. You cannot, cannot miss this step. Do not skip over this work with your Mercury. This is absolutely magical insight for you.

Speaker 1:

Now, interestingly for me, it's going to be harder for me to articulate this without boring you, because my Mercury is the same gate as my personality sun. So I happen to have the three in both placements, which isn't uncommon, by the way. Just because of the way the planets move, it's not uncommon to have the same gate. It's not like you're expected to have both the same, but in my instance, it's just more proof, more evidence and more energy and more frequency. That's woven into me in the same energy. It's in this chaos, difficulty, things are hard before they're easy. It's so funny. As I'm sharing this with you, I'm thinking some days I just wish that I had ease as my gate. But we all have the shadow frequency. We all have the shadow expression of our gates.

Speaker 1:

So when you work with your Mercury, I want you to do the same exercise. Have a look at it from a human design, traditional perspective. Have a deeper look at it from a Gene Keys perspective and just start to think through. If I was communicating through the essence of this, what would I be saying? What types of communication does this gate bring to my mind? Now, again, I know if you're not a marketer by nature and background, it's not as easy coming to the Frequency Project, and I will absolutely help you with this. However, regardless, you can figure this out for yourself. I trust you. I know you have the wisdom, the intelligence and, with my support here, the guidance to do this for yourself.

Speaker 1:

What I typically find with my clients and their mercury is it's an of course. Of course. That's my mercury. I already do this, I already speak like that. This feels very comfortable for me, and so you may find that you may kind of contemplate and come to the kind of realization that it's a big part of of who you are and the way that you communicate with others. Already, like I, already before I knew about human design, believed that things or change always starts with a breakdown, that the biggest changes or the biggest growth periods in our life come from being at a crossroads, something goes wrong, something breaks. This has been my lived experience. Funny that, and so I was already someone who would tell or share my experience with when things have been really freaking hard. What has followed and it's you know, it's led to these breakthroughs, this expansion, this more lightness in my life. And so do this for yourself, with your personality, mercury, go on this deeper dive, and when you've had the opportunity to really contemplate this energy, then do the exercise of. What does this mean? That I am here to communicate? Okay, that's the second important placement.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm often asked but what about the other side? What about my design and body side? Can I work with those gates as well? When it comes to things like my brand and my soul's message, the truth is 100%, yes, but depending on how you feel working with your personality side, because this is what is really more conscious for you and more present for you. If you feel like that's the insight that is going to land this for you, this is going to lead to more magnetism in your message. 100%, and that's enough. If, however, you're like I need more, I need more depth, I want to go looking elsewhere, feel free to go and have a look at your design side as well, and I think a lot of it naturally comes through you. It's at that subconscious level as well, so it can be this beautiful blend. They're the first two placements.

Speaker 1:

Now we are talking about magnetism in our messaging, and so I think it's important for me to talk about your open centers or your open gates, if you happen to have all nine centers defined, because and I spoke about this when I did the I did an episode on where your ideal client is in your body graph and I'm quite sure that I shared this, and if not, I've definitely done a whole episode on open centers. So I'm going to make sure that we link the open centers episode for you, because this one I've done such a deep dive into in the past. But your open centers are the places that you don't have consistent access to when you were born right, and so most of us have open centres. I have seven out of nine, so I've had to learn a lot of lessons because I don't have consistent access in many places in my body graph. Now, others, from a magnetism perspective, are more drawn to us where we're open, because they relate to our experience of having to go through the lesson when we're born with consistency. We don't work as hard, we don't have to go on a massive journey, it just is what it is and therefore it doesn't have as much of a pull for others. It's not as magnetic if we message from those places. So what we want to be doing is messaging from our open centres.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you want to get mathematical and maximise this as well, like inside the Frequency Project and I think in the episode that I did, I go into the percentage of the population that is open in every center, because you're mostly going to want to focus on the biggest opportunity spaces, because this works for your audience as well. It's where they're open also that they're drawn to you and your openness, because they can see themselves in you. This is complex, hence why listening to the episode on open centres might be valuable and, of course, I do teach on this in depth in the Frequency Project. So for me, with all my openness, I'm going to focus on the head center and messaging to the open head center and the heart center, because these are by far where the majority of the population are most open. Okay, so well, over half of us are open in the head center. Well, over half of us are open in the heart center. So I know this about you, I know I'm open in both. I know I've got all the not self, all the lessons of these centers and so it's very natural for me to message speaking to this openness. So what does that look like? It looks like getting to know the not self behavior of the open centers, where you are open and potentially a lot of other people are open and using that as you build out your messaging overall. All right, this may affect your brand message or it could affect your offer messaging.

Speaker 1:

So for this one, I'm going to give you an example of the Frequency Project messaging and how working with open centers helped me evolve the messaging, because I'm always looking to how do I become even more magnetic and say what you are going to respond to? Because I want you in this program gaining this wisdom. Okay, so let's start with the open head center and I'm open in the Arjuna and kind of can almost put those together. But messaging to your open head center I'm going to talk about how being in the frequency project will stop you overthinking, lost in your head, questioning yourself, not being able to figure out the right marketing for you. It's going to relieve you of that. You're going to have crystal clarity. You're going to have so much insight and specificity around the right marketing that is unique to you. Okay, that is a perfect example of speaking to someone with an open head center who is always looking for the answer. They want to be inspired, they want the magical answer and they want to get out of this overthinking the exhaustion. Okay, that has been part of my messaging this time.

Speaker 1:

Now let's talk about open heart center. So the low not the low frequency, but the not self kind of out of alignment, for the heart center is thinking that you're not worthy or you've got something to prove. So this one I've spoken to that in the Frequency Project with content that talks about that your time and energy and your money is precious, aka, you are worthy of getting a better return on your time and energy. In particular and I really believe this, but it speaks to this you cannot invest in the frequency project because it's too expensive. But here's what you're doing. Gosh, I'm telling the program here, but here we go, here's what you're doing in the process. You're wasting your precious time and energy because you're stuck in that open head center loop right, whereas by investing, you're going to get back your precious time and your energy to focus on other things in your business outside of your marketing, and that's worth so much to you, including a lot of money, because your time, at the end of the day, is money. All right, that's an example of using your open centers in your messaging Now overarching.

Speaker 1:

All three of these are important in your messaging hierarchy, but you can see how it's a living, breathing thing as well when it comes to offers that you can work and will work with your overall magnetic messaging framework to create more cut through in your marketing, get higher engagement and get those beautiful clients that you're going to be working with in the future saying hell yes to you, and that's what we're here for. So those were the three main places in your body graph, those three. You could stop here, but I'm going to give you a couple more things to think about. Number four is your type and your strategy. Now, this is going to give you you know how I talked about earlier that it's not just what you say, it's kind of how you say it and it's that more nuanced energy that you show up in. Well, that comes from your type a lot and the strategy for your particular type. So don't overlook this part.

Speaker 1:

When it comes to your messaging, you know, like you can feel from me, that I am a generator. My messaging is very motivational, inspiring. It is big energy, it is. You can do it, you can do the work. You're going to feel so amazing and satisfied afterwards, like my type really does come through. It's not as literal, but it comes through in my messaging, so it's definitely something that you want to be considering.

Speaker 1:

And then number five is your profile lines. Now I work a lot with the profile lines. You may have been in my recent Influence Activation Masterclass where we go looking at how your profile lines are going to help you decide which platforms to market, on the exact tactics you're going to use and even your content. Now you can hear in what I've just shared with you. None of those says your messaging, but content comes close. There is insight in here for you, my friends. I believe that it all adds up. Every part of your design is going to add up to your most magnetic messaging messaging including your profile lines because a bit like how I spoke about your personality sun, your personal brand and how others receive. That personal brand is big time coming through your profile lines and you know your profile line. Like your profile line, your dominant profile line sits in your personality sun gate. That's the other part. It's the decimal point. So mine's a 3.5. So you don't want to miss that point, whatever it is for you.

Speaker 1:

So for me, as a five, I feel this radiate through me in terms of I am here to help you solve your problems. This happens through my entire business. It's always shown up as a big piece of me. It's who I am. I cannot help but want to solve challenges for you and the biggest challenge I want to help you with is finding marketing hard or like something that you just have to do. I want to help you live and breathe your essence into your self-expression and have fun doing that right. This is such a big part of who I am as a Line 5 brand and it's really this mix of all of these elements personality sun, personality, mercury, thinking about the open centers, as well as your type and your profile lines that's going to give you the base. It's going to give you the base.

Speaker 1:

Now. There are many of you who listen to this podcast who are deep into the world of human design and the gene keys, and you're also going to come to me and say, but what about my EQ or my SQ? And what about my personality earth, because isn't that really important in my brand? Or, yes, I can say yes to everything, it never stops. It never stops the human design experiment and the value of digging into each individual placement. But I don't want to overwhelm you and I may have done that already with just three things plus two. I want you to focus on the most DNA programmed for marketing first, and that's what I've shared with you in this episode. So those are the parts that are going to be the most relevant for you to think about when it comes to your messaging. Also, just knowing what your messaging is and how that works for you as a brand, I think, is phenomenally valuable, and I trust that you found this episode particularly insightful for that as well. So that's it for this episode.

Speaker 1:

My friends, as I said at the beginning, frequency Project is open right now. If you've already jumped in or you've come back for the second time, I see you, I value you, I'm so excited for these next eight weeks together, fully feeling into the magic that is created inside this program. If you've got questions about it, make sure you jump into my Instagram DM. I would love to. We would love to have you with us. You can also buy it as a course. That's another option.

Speaker 1:

But you know me, I want to be with you live. I want to feel your energy. I want to be there answering your questions, bouncing off you with things like your content, your messaging strategy, all of it. So come on inside. This is my invitation to you. That's it for this week. I'll be back with you shortly. Have an awesome one, my friends, and don't forget, if you love this episode, share it with your friends. Leave me a review. I really appreciate it. Bye for now. Thanks for tuning in to the Human Design for Marketing podcast. Make sure you hit that subscribe button, tell your friends and extra brownie points Go. Leave me a review. I would so appreciate it. There are heaps more resources in the show notes. I can't wait to be back in your ears again soon. Bye for now.