The Human Design for Marketing podcast™, with Yvette Mayer

The Frequency of Attraction - Episode #147

November 22, 2023 Yvette Mayer Season 3 Episode 147

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In today’s episode, I talk about all things “frequency” and how to fine-tune it to achieve effortless growth in your marketing and business.

You’ll learn the strategy of attracting vs chasing and activating your magnetism for maximum results using minimal/aligned force (action).

I discuss the relevant energy of gate 34, the gate of Power in Human Design (as the Sun moves through it right now) and how you can tap into this collective background frequency to:

  • Leverage the law of attraction for more clients, magnetism and abundance in your business
  • Use your inner power (instead of force) for maximum results using minimal/aligned action
  • Release lack & scarcity story and restore back to your abundance center inside you

I'm sharing prompts over on YouTube to help you weave this into your content, so head there next. It’s a time to share stories of overcoming lack, to embrace detachment, and build strength – whether in body or mindset. 

Join me in exploring these frequencies and watch your marketing transform!


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Speaker 1:

Hi, hi, welcome to the Human Design for Marketing podcast. I'm your host, yvette Mayer, and this shows for you if you're done with cookie cutter marketing and ready to build your personal brand in alignment with who you really are. I'm a marketing expert, human design nerd and intuitive business coach who's helped hundreds of women just like you to elevate their frequency and activate their most magnetic personal brand. Each week, we'll dive into practical tips, interviews, conversations and more to help you create and align business, a positive contribution and, of course, an abundant life. Let's dive in. Hello and welcome back to the Human Design for Marketing podcast. I am super excited to have you here with me Now. Before I dive into the topic of the day, I did want to say a huge, a huge, huge, huge thank you to each and every one of you who is getting in touch over on Instagram to let you know how much you're enjoying the episodes. I am so very, very excited to see the increase that we're experiencing of the show around the number of downloads. It's skyrocketing and that is thanks to you. If you want to help me get this podcast into more ears, please do your thing and go. Do it right now. If you want to do this. Go right now over to Apple or Spotify and rate and review the podcast. Let me show you this I am going to give one lucky listener every month a free 90 minute call with me as a way of saying thank you for reviewing. Reviewing I mean five stars, of course, but reviewing and supporting this beautiful work and wisdom to get out into the world and help more women, just like you.

Speaker 1:

Okay, topic of the day. We're going to talk about frequency. Yes, I talk about this a lot, but in particular, we're going to dive into that age old, scarcity, lack, low frequency as it kind of comes up around. Well, I love the quote or the affirmation I do not chase, I attract Now my projectors. This is absolutely energy for you, but it is relevant for all of us. And as I talk to you about this and how this energy and this low frequency has unfolded for me in my life, I want to ask you have you felt this universal law of negative power of attraction play out for you? Have you observed that when you're in this state of there's not enough clients to go around, nothing's working, I'm not good enough that it is reflected back to you in poor outcomes? Does this happen for you. It absolutely has been a factor, factor, factor in my life. I mean, okay, let's get a bit personal here.

Speaker 1:

Back in my 30s, I was desperate and I will say the word desperate to fall in love, get married and have babies at speed. I could sense that my time was running out, and so I absolutely got into this frequency around dating, of forcing, like trying to get men to not just notice me and date me but convert them into husband material. Now, I pushed away so many men. I don't believe any of them were right for me. That's just bad by though, okay, but I pushed away so many men in this frequency and, if I look back, in fact, almost every relationship that I entered into lasted for about three months, at which point I will have possibly Changed myself to try and fit their perfect partner by such a huge degree that they were no longer interested in me.

Speaker 1:

This is the ultimate personal story of this trying to force something to happen and being in the energy of Lack and fear and it's not going to happen. And oh my goodness, oh my goodness, what is wrong with me? It never worked, it never worked. And also, you know my story goes that in my very late 30s, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and it stopped being a priority. So don't worry about me and the fact that I am not married. I don't have kids. Yes, that has been something that I've had to go through and accept and grow for a grow through, but at this point in my life, I am very, very happy and satisfied and fulfilled, and so this is not about poor me In fact, it's quite the reverse but I did want to bring this back to our frequency when it comes to marketing and some of the challenges that we can get into when we're feeling this desperation energy.

Speaker 1:

This I'm not good enough, it's not going to happen. For me, it's the same energy that I experienced in my dating life, and as I'm talking about this, I want you to think about a time in your business when you were in this low frequency, you were doubting whether you were going to be able to attract clients and you were experiencing a reflection back in terms of what was happening results wise. Think back to this time when you felt desperate. Maybe it's happening for you now, because I want you to know that it is absolutely possible To move out of this and become high frequency and more abundant, and I am the proof, 100% the proof, because this time well, not this time last year, but early last year I went through a huge phase of feeling Like there wasn't enough to go around. In fact, I would you probably heard me say these words before that my business, quantum, leaped and was on fire During and after the initial stages of COVID. So after we found out that COVID was a real thing and that the world was going to get shut down, etc.

Speaker 1:

A lot of new people came into the world of wanting to be coached, and it is a fact that that helped me rapidly scale my business To multiple six figures in no time at all, and I assumed that that was going to be the foundation to grow from, not something that I'd have to worry about Maintaining. And so, forward to 2021, I had a brilliant year. In this high frequency, this energy, everything's possible. It's all working out for me Until it wasn't. Until it was not, and things the will started to come off in 2021, late 2021 and then into 2022. I've got like, oh my goodness, things aren't working anymore. The market is now saturated, the strategies that used to work for me and no longer working. I'm seeing all these other people having success and it's not coming easily to me now.

Speaker 1:

Honestly, I was still doing well, I still had a six-figure plus business, but to me I was a failure and I was absolutely Doubting my ability to grow from there. I was doubting my ability to attract clients and I was running stories of there's just not enough to go around. I was looking outside of me for the answers. I was absolutely, you know, signing up with clients. Sorry, not quite. I was signing up with coaches that had these seven figure businesses that made it look easy, thinking, well, if I follow what they're doing, we're surely that will work for me 2022. I invested let me count how much exactly Close to $60,000 on coaching. My business went backwards. This is not a reflection of the coaches. This is a reflection of where I was and my inability to find my way out of that.

Speaker 1:

Whilst I was searching outside of me for the answers, whilst I was looking with green like crazy jealousy, envy kind of vibes at what was working for others, while I was following the XYZ strategies of others, this showed up. I didn't stop my marketing. I didn't, on the outside, like share that things were so hard. I began to as I got to the end of this. Instead, I tried, tried and tried. I tried to sell more often. I tried to change gears and sell things like masterclasses instead of long programs. I tried to bring in different sales strategies into my business. I tried, I tried, I tried, I tried, trying, trying. There is no trying, there is only doing. Yeah, okay, is that from Star Wars? I want to say that's from Star Wars.

Speaker 1:

If you are hanging on to every word of this, feeling my energy, as I share this with you, drop a yes into the comments. Now Let me know if this has come up for you in your business journey as well. Now, how did things begin to change? I know you want to learn exactly how I went from where I was a year ago a bit more than a year ago feeling this lack, things weren't working, throwing spaghetti at the wall, frustrated comparisonitis all of that into a place where I find myself now, where I'm growing on every metric, where things feel like they're coming to me effortlessly. Opportunities drop into my inbox every other day, clients are walking towards me. Things are now very they're not easy I wouldn't call it easy, but more effortless and I feel a sense of power. I feel this magnetic force inside of me pulling you towards me. It is attracting you into my orbit. My numbers are up, whether it is on the podcast. My new YouTube channel is taking off. I have more beautiful women in the Facebook group than I've ever had before. I mean, I'm on number one of Google search. All of the signs are very, very good, and I have helped more women this year than any other year in my business, in this energy of attraction. Right, you can feel this from me.

Speaker 1:

So what did I do? Well, it's no surprise that I began to really embody and integrate my human design into the way that I ran my business and my marketing. You know this about me. Here's what else I did. I got very clear around. This is what I believe that I was brought into the world to deliver and to serve you with, and I backed myself and I trusted myself. I stopped looking outside of myself and began to listen to what I believed, with all my decades of experience. By the way, I turned inward. I didn't hire a coach or a mentor at all. This year, I am working with my beautiful producer on my YouTube channel, and she does provide a lot of business support, that is true, but I have not invested in any of those high ticket masterminds or private coaching containers that I did for years preceding this.

Speaker 1:

Not saying they're wrong, but for me to get into the energy of attraction, to build up my self trust and to come to you from this place of I know how powerful I am, I feel this magnetism radiating from me. I have this reflected back day after day in people thanking me coming into my DM, saying I'm so grateful for the work you do in the world, signing up to my programs and having their fricking life changed. This is the norm for me now, but you have to do the work. You have to do the work on yourself to build up your well, it's confidence, but it's trust more than that, and this only comes when you really dial into. What are you uniquely gifted at? Why have you been designed the way that you are? What is your role in the world? What is your purpose, what is your higher potential and how are you going to get there? Okay, so these are questions I want you to be asking yourself and, of course, I would highly recommend turning to human design to support you with the answers. Now segue time.

Speaker 1:

The theme of this episode is power over force, and this is the energy and the frequency for marketing around gate 34 in human design, which, spoiler alert, is the gate that we are going to be working with when you listen to this podcast if you're listening to it in real time so this energy is going to be particularly relevant as a background frequency, not just for you and how you navigate your own marketing and business. Hint be your original self, trust that your brilliance is needed, necessary and desired. These aspects are important in this frequency, but when it comes to your perspective and potential clients, they too may be trying to force their results. What does forcing look like? It looks like taking shortcuts. It looks like speaking out of incorrect. Let me say this again it looks like, or it sounds like, being out of integrity, like saying one thing when the truth is something else. And this is very present when you're in scarcity and you're marketing because you're promising results, potentially, that you don't believe you can get because you're not getting them yourself. You need to be in integrity. That is very attractive in your marketing and this is what your clients are gonna feel from you integrity, right, this is the power of attraction. So help your clients start to feel into this energy by the way you're showing up in your content and you're going to absolutely resonate and become more engaging in the way that your messaging is received.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you want to get some more magic around content prompts, make sure you head over to the YouTube channel and you can watch the cosmic content code for gate 34, power over force, and you're going to get me to drop in with the specific content prompts to help you get that spark and move into action with your messaging around gate 34. Now let me share with you the cosmic content prompts for gate 34, power over force. The first content prompt for you is to tell the story of when you've experienced a feeling of lack in your energy, when, if you felt like things aren't working, they're not going to work, it's too hard or there's not enough to go around. Now you don't just tell this story from a negative point of view. We also want to share what you did about it. You are teaching your audience how to heal their force and move into their most powerful energy, and what this sounds like is they're going to learn how to absolutely trust in themselves and in divine timing, that they're designed on purpose and that there is a universal element that will help them to show up and radiate on their highest frequency, and this is absolutely relevant for any and all niches. The second content prompt is this spirit of letting go of the outcome, detaching and being in the energy of. I trust myself and I know that when I take right actions in alignment with my higher self, that I will have everything I desire. You're letting go of the timeline. You're appreciating that when we attach a timeline to a desire, we get into this force and this is what we want to release. It's about trusting that things will happen in their own sweet timing and being in the frequency of. I have this brilliance to bring and I know that if I keep showing up, if I'm consistent with this, that I will succeed and, in fact, I will thrive.

Speaker 1:

The third content prompt is about helping your audience, your ideal clients, build more power and strength. Now, this can be true if it's around physical power and strength, or it may be mindset power. It may be the strength that comes through having self-trust. Okay, so you can see how this one is particularly relevant across different niches. Maybe, if you are a personal trainer, this is going to be about how you build strength in the body and if you're a mindset coach, this is absolutely going to be about how you build up more powerful and resourceful thinking. This will be more in the field of how you build up more positive and resourceful thoughts and tap into your energetics to build greater self-trust.

Speaker 1:

Another content prompt is more about imagery than it is around your words. What kind of images provoke this feeling of strength, confidence and power? Have you got photos of yourself or video content where you're standing in your power? These are going to be particularly relevant this week. After all, gate 34 is about power, it's about strength and it's about resilience, so these types of images are also going to work beautifully when Gate 34 is in the sun.

Speaker 1:

I hope you're loving the YouTube channel as much as I am loving creating it, and look back to Gate 34. I know that the last thing you want is to put a whole lot of time and effort into your marketing only to hear the sound of crickets. You do not want that and I don't want that for you, so make sure you keep on listening to the Human Design for Marketing podcast. Lean all the way in on the many options to work with the background frequencies as well, as I said, we're in Gate 34 right now. This is a time for you to get into this kind of content that I've shared on this episode. I can't wait to hear your feedback. Thanks so much for joining me for this episode, and don't forget to go and review the podcast, share it with your friends and I'll be back in your ears shortly. Bye for now.