The Human Design for Marketing podcast™, with Yvette Mayer

On making big business decisions, informed by Human Design, ep #150

December 26, 2023 Yvette Mayer

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Embarking on a new chapter can be as exhilarating as it is daunting. For me,  saying goodbye to my signature high ticket offer, the Momentum Mastermind was a poignant moment in my entrepreneurial journey. As you tune into the latest episode of the Human Design for Marketing podcast, I share the raw and personal story behind this decision—a narrative that weaves together the threads of business evolution, deep trust in the universe's signs, and an unwavering commitment to aligning with my true frequency.

Navigating the world of business coaching, attracting clients, and standing out in a saturated market has been a rollercoaster ride, to say the least. Join me as I peel back the layers of my transition into human design for marketing, a pivot that has dramatically shifted my energy and approach, creating a magnetism that draws clients effortlessly. This episode isn't just my story, but a beacon for fellow entrepreneurs seeking that spark of inspiration to trust their intuition and the power of personal alignment. There are no guests in this intimate and transformative tale, just me and my heartfelt experiences, ready to resonate with your own path to business prosperity.


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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back to the Human Design for Marketing podcast. This episode is a little bit of a different one. I am going to be sharing with you the audio from an Instagram live that was birthed into the world before the holidays. Now this conversation is related to human design, related to marketing, and it goes into why I decided to retire my signature high ticket offer, the Momentum Mastermind. It really is about the decision making process and, if you missed it on Instagram or you need reminding, I know it's going to add a lot of value to you as you consider the direction you're going in in your business in the coming year. So with that, I'm going to leave you to enjoy the episode. Hope you're having a happy holiday.

Speaker 1:

Hi hi, welcome to the Human Design for Marketing podcast. I'm your host, evette Mayer, and this shows for you if you're done with cookie cutter marketing and ready to build your personal brand in alignment with who you really are. I'm a marketing expert, human design nerd and intuitive business coach who's helped hundreds of women just like you to elevate their frequency and activate their most magnetic personal brand. Each week, we'll dive into practical tips, interviews, conversations and more to help you create and align business. A positive contribution and, of course, an abundant life. Let's dive in. So here goes I am about to share why, after three and a half amazing years with my mastermind community, that last week I let them know that I was retiring this product and it was a huge decision Like it's a massive decision when you shut down something that's really successful and this product. It sounds so glib calling it a product, but the mastermind for me has been my signature program for three and a half years. It has brought in multiple six figures into my business. It has attracted the most amazing, incredible women. So it's a really big decision and I don't take it lightly at all and honestly, at the beginning of this year I had a goal to grow the mastermind and I had no idea that at this point I would be thinking about shutting it down. I really didn't. But sometimes in business things evolve and you know, a year ago I didn't even have the confidence that I do now or the product or sorry, the body of work that I do in human design for marketing, and that's been part of the reason why I made the decision to close down my mastermind. But there really are three big reasons and I'm sharing this because I think the decision making process is such an important one to share. I also want to normalise that it's okay to change your mind, even if you're letting people down in the process, which I did.

Speaker 1:

Feel that because I've got women in my mastermind that have been there since the beginning, that have been in my mastermind for three and a half years One consecutively, one for most of it and she's in it right now and in fact, every woman in my mastermind right now has been with me for years, more than one year at least. So it's a big deal, it's a really big deal. But, as I said, there's three big reasons why I've made this decision Now. The first one is I trust the signs that I get from the universe, and there's been many signs along the way that have pointed to this being the right decision for me. But the big one is I have had times when I've struggled to attract new people into my mastermind and it's felt or it's brought up feelings of scarcity for me and then my marketing. You know, when you're not in a good frequency energetically, you're not as attractive and it's like this whole 360 thing. Right, you're like panicking because you're not attracting enough people, and then the panicking is causing you to create this lower frequency and then you attract less people. It's like so certainly experience that I think.

Speaker 1:

As a business coach which is something that I've been doing for four years four, four years now I've had a wild ride and I've built a very successful business. But as a business coach, I found it hard to stand out and attract consistent clients. And then, when I moved into a focus on human design for marketing, not only did my frequency shift as I lent into my own design, but that led to more magnetism and it led to me having an ability to attract clients into my world far more easily around human design for marketing and that's a sign from the universe. Right, like when one thing feels challenging and then another direction is like, wow, the demand is increasing. It feels so aligned in my body and so to be doing this work, it's like it's my life work, life's work, rather, and so I listened, right, I listened, and I love this quote by I'm going to get the name wrong, but Qing, to quote. I think that's his name. Easy is right, easy is right okay. So human design for marketing for me is my easy.

Speaker 1:

It's been easy for me to grow my business in this direction, where it had been relatively hard at times, with purely focusing on business coaching, and I believe in my heart and soul that the universe gives us signs and signals, and so the fact that I find it easier to bring clients in through human design for marketing well, that is confirmation that I need to expand my time and energy more into this as my focus in my business. So that's the first reason. The second reason is about my energy. So having a mastermind, at least the container that I created has meant that, outside of a few breaks like between Christmas and New Year and a little yeah, I've factored in some breaks but essentially I've been showing up for a community for well, every week, every week, every week for three and a half years, outside of holidays, okay. So whilst that was such a big energetic lift and it really was lighting me up, for a long time I started to feel my energy becoming contracted around this level of commitment.

Speaker 1:

I am a freedom loving girl. Like I am the lit up and liberated entrepreneur. I love flexibility, I love having the spaciousness in my calendar and having a consistent, all year round, weekly group call to prepare for, and it's a lot energetically to hold space for a group of women. I just started to notice that it wasn't bringing me as much lit up energy anymore and it's nothing to do with the women on the inside. These are women that are not just my clients. They are my beautiful friends, as you would imagine.

Speaker 1:

After years it was more about the commitment for me. Like I crave at this point. I crave more spaciousness in my calendar and in my schedule, and so, going into 2024, I wanted the ability to have downtime. I'm thinking I'm only going to have calls three weeks a month, I mean imagine, and I'm going to go to Europe later in the year and be offline and I'm going to build my launches in my group program so that I have this flexibility. So that's the second reason. And the third reason is well, I have Finally this year gotten an amazing team in place. I have a full-time VA and I have a part-time senior VA who also does some copywriting for me and human design support, which has been just such a blessing.

Speaker 1:

I feel like I'm in the most supported place I've ever been in my business, and what's began to happen is I've had more spaciousness to do my marketing in a way that feels really creative for me and I realized how much fun that I was having by expressing myself and my creativity more. And so then I opened up opportunities for clients to work with me, for me to actually create their business and marketing strategy mostly marketing strategy in alignment with their human design and doing this work, it's like all my creativity comes through, and so I realized that I not only wanted more freedom, I actually wanted this different dynamic in my business where I get to be more creative, where I get to express this side of me, which is really my marketing genius, if I'm honest, and making that such a big priority has lit me up as well, like it's really brought me a lot of joy. So that's the three reasons I feel emotional. Like preparing this post actually brought up like this, like because I did, I wrote the description that I'm going to put in with this and it really did bring up a lot of emotion. Because I love, I've loved working through this three and a half years with so many epic women, so many heart centered, wise, brave, courageous women that you know have invested in working with me, they have surrounded me, that have been the glue in my business, and so, yeah, it's a bit of a heavy heart, but you know, I know it's right. I mean the fact that I'm in my biggest financial month I've ever had in my business, even though I shut down, or I'm now shutting down, my mastermind. I mean that if there's going to be a signal for whether this is right for me, the fact that I'm in my biggest financial month even though I'm retiring my mastermind, I think I mean that says a lot, doesn't it? And I know, I know what's happening in the months ahead and I have a lot of surety around the direction of my business and the things that are going to be happening exciting things, things I haven't been able to announce yet, which I'm excited to share. So, yeah, thank you for joining me for this. I always think it's important to share the bigger decisions in business as a coach and also just be real and a bit vulnerable and honest about the difficult parts of growing a solar line business.

Speaker 1:

If you've got questions, if there's anything that you found a bit surprising, please jump into the comments. I will answer any and all questions. For those of you that thought they were going to join my mastermind at some time in the future, I'm sorry, but there's going to be plenty of other things that I'm doing that I hope you want to get involved with as well. Have a beautiful day and this last stretch before jumping into a break potentially. I know I'm excited for the rest that's coming. I'm so excited. I've been working my little butt off getting ready and, yeah, we're down to the last few days. So bye for now. Thanks for tuning in to the Human Design for Marketing podcast. Make sure you hit that subscribe button. Tell your friends and extra brownie points Go. Leave me a review. I would so appreciate it. There are heaps more resources in the show notes. I can't wait to be back in your ears again soon. Bye for now.