The Human Design for Marketing podcast™, with Yvette Mayer

How I made $5k in two days using Human Design Transits Intelligence - Episode 165

July 11, 2024 Yvette Mayer Season 3 Episode 165

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Use exclusive PODCAST listener coupon POD 10 (without space, all caps) and  get your 64 COSMIC CONTENT CODES GUIDE >> HERE
Listen to episode 141 which is also about the Transits

I'm sharing BTS on how Human Design transits helped me launch a successful product to my community and 

  • how it was a HOT sale bringing me $$$ in couple of days 
  • but more than that a high-value grab for those who said yes to it 

All because I made moves in alignement to the Transits backround frequency.

You'll also get two more PRACTICAL examples of when I've had huge success working with transits -  and why I'm so passionate about sharing this cosmic wisdom with you all for your marketing


In the August of 2023, I had this cosmic idea:

What if I turned every single Human Design gate into a content code?

I began the project of looking at every gate and considering:

  • what if this Gate were a brand?
  • what would its values be?
  • what story would it tell?
  • how would it communicate?
  • and the cherry on top - what content prompts would help others market in this gates frequency?

And honestly the wisdom flowed through me like a tap.

I started to drip it via my Facebook group, a brand new YouTube channel and much later my IG Broadcast channel.

By the time 2024 rolled around, I had a highly valuable body of work that I named the "64 Cosmic Content Codes".

BUT #truthbomb I didn't want to share it with anyone (in its full version), because it felt so hard won .

But I began getting requests for my full gates (marketing) wisdom. Like a LOT of them

And then a couple of weeks ago, when my Human Design mentor Emma asked me this exact question, I realised it was time to get this magic out..

Which brings me to this moment.

For the FIRST TIME ever you can now purchase the "64 Cosmic Content Codes Guide".

So you can create the kind of content that has them thinking you're some kind of witchy poo mind reader


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Speaker 1:

Hi, hi, welcome to the Human Design for Marketing podcast. I'm your host, yvette Mayer, and this show's for you if you're done with cookie cutter marketing and ready to build your personal brand in alignment with who you really are. I'm a marketing expert, human design nerd and intuitive business coach who's helped hundreds of women just like you to elevate their frequency and activate their most magnetic personal brand. Each week we'll dive into practical tips, interviews, conversations and more to help you create an aligned business, a positive contribution and, of course, an abundant life. Let's dive in. Hello and welcome back to the Human Design for Marketing podcast. It's a beautiful energy.

Speaker 1:

This week, as I record, we are in gate 53 in the human design transits. A little bit about this particular frequency. It is all about new beginnings and expansive energy. In fact, the acidic state according to the gene keys is super abundance and I have had some incredible experiences with this frequency this week, which has inspired me and talk to you a bit about how I use the Human Design Gates as a cosmic content code and the incredible breakthroughs and even financial abundance that has come my way as a result of doing this. And you know it all goes back to this one thing when I started working with clients around marketing for human design, I realized pretty quickly that, as marketers and as somebody with three decades of marketing experience, it's really important to understand the audience and to create marketing that is going to resonate with our dream clients. Right, but human design in general isn't about the other. It's about ourselves. It's about understanding how our unique energetic frequency is designed for success, and you know it's about lots more than that. But really it's an inside job. That is the essence of the work, and if you're newer to human design, it's likely that that is entirely how you understand human design. It's about yourself, unless if you do somebody else's chart, like if you do an individual chart or even a small group, yes, you can start to think about the other, but that's not a marketing impact.

Speaker 1:

Like as a marketer, we're generally mass marketing, so we're talking to many people at once, and so our marketing efforts. When we're thinking about content creation, the offers we're building, content creation, the offers we're building. Even at the decisions we're making as business owners, there's still this gap between ourselves and our expression and making sure that what we're developing and what we're offering is meeting the needs of our audience. And the same goes beyond offers, into our messaging that we're not in a vacuum just thinking about what's authentic and aligned for us. We're also considering the audience, and so in the early stages of me building a human design for marketing body of work, this was a question that I got like well, how is human design going to help me understand how to better market, considering my audience?

Speaker 1:

And immediately my response was I need to give that some more thought. I didn't have an easy answer, I hadn't considered that fully, but I had a couple of these questions come to me and so it became a line one quest. I am going to figure out how I can work with human design to better understand, or how you can work with human design to better understand, others within the marketing context, and the short story is that this was the gateway into me putting a lot of focus into the transits. I did some study when this was first kind of landing for me around deepening into more advanced parts of human design to look for clues for marketing, and the transits were like this is it Because what the transits are is a frequency that is in the background for all of us, and as the cosmos, the planets transit, it shifts and we feel differently as a collective. Now, this is not to say that you can predict everything that's going to happen in the world when you understand the transits. That would be great, but there's certainly a strong correlation energetically, once you begin to work with this, this particular wisdom. So how we do that is, in particular, focusing on the gate that is transiting through the sun placement in the human design chart or body graph. So the transits cover all planets and all the gates moving through them constantly.

Speaker 1:

But specifically for marketing, the most important place to go for insight into how your audience is feeling what could be coming up for them is the sun transit, because this is the dominant placement in the chart, I mean in the entire system of human design. You must understand your personality sun and your design sun. They are so incredibly influential in who you are as a human, who you are as a personal brand, your values, how other people perceive the elements of you around, what you do Hugely valuable. And when we think about the transits, the system is really built around the gates moving around the sun, which they all move around in the same order every year across all 64 gates. 64 gates full year leads to, if you do the math, each gate is present in the transit the sun transit for six, six, roughly six days, and then it moves on to the next gate. Okay, so each gate in human design you would know this has a gift, and if you work with or you start to look at the gene keys as well which is the human design spinoff or sister system, there's a lot of insight around the shadow frequency of a particular gate, as well as the gift and beyond that, into the acidic state.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so in my first kind of understanding of this, I I dipped my toe and so it wasn't immediately something I started to share in my marketing or in my work, but I started to track the transits and what the energy was to get a feeling for. Does this resonate with me? Do I feel this? And very quickly, the answer was hell, yes. So at that point, I went all the way into the deep end and really started to immerse myself in all of the wisdom inside the human design transits. Now, at that point and we're talking about in, I think, march or April 2023, I realized that this was incredibly powerful wisdom and began sharing what was happening in both the sun transit and the Mercury transit every week in my Human Design for Marketing Facebook group. If you're not in that, why not? You should get yourself into my Facebook group. Every Monday, we release the insight in the planets that are moving through the system that week. So that was my first step into sharing transit-based intelligence to help with marketing.

Speaker 1:

So, to back off a bit to get really clear on this, what I was doing was starting to think about every gate as its marketing expression. What is the marketing understanding of the wisdom of this gate? How can we speak to this frequency in our content so that it connects to more people because they're already feeling this energy right? So good, so golden. And as I started to do this myself, like I really began to contemplate the new gate as it moved through the chart and create content based on what I understood my audience may be experiencing, my engagement skyrocketed and I started getting emails back to my you know, my mass emails, my broadcast emails, saying, oh my God, you're reading my mind Like so many, so many that I, you're reading my mind Like so many, so many that I, you know, got all this confirmation that I was onto something that was transformative, that really had a lot of value. So I was my own first case study, but quickly I started to share this because I knew it would provide a similar level of insight and inspiration for my audience, my community and my clients.

Speaker 1:

Now I also said that I cover the Mercury transit. The thing with Mercury is well A, of course I cover this because Mercury is the planet of communication, and so that's why we feel the influence of Mercury around things like technology, because that's how we communicate okay. So this is still a really interesting place to explore because it shows us when particular topics may be being spoken into. It's a little trickier than the sun because it moves faster. There's a new energy that comes through every two to three days and it also goes retrograde, and when it goes retrograde, it goes backwards through the gates and then it goes forwards again. So whilst I share this info and I think it's really great as idea generation, insight and also it's also going to help you the one that I really focus on so the many reasons I explained when it comes to getting this out at scale is the Sun Transit.

Speaker 1:

So the Facebook group, I share both. Every week You're going to learn about what's transiting through the sun and you're also going to learn about the gates that are transiting through Mercury and in a lot of other places, like my YouTube channel, I just share every six days, every six days, a brand new episode that goes deep into the gate that we've just moved into. So this has been going on now for about eight and a half months. Eight and a half months into there being a brand new episode every six days on YouTube with me teaching you how to use that gate as a content code, a cosmic content code. Now, along this journey, some other fun things started to happen. I used the inspiration not just for content, but it helped me make big decisions in my business that have netted me massive financial wins. So I'm going to talk to you about that as well. Understanding the gates as they're coming will give you some insight around planning when to launch offers and how to message them in a way that's going to connect to your audience. It's also going to help you understand when to make specific decisions or give you something to work with around decision making. So here's three examples from my own business and life over the last I want to say the last 10 months or so that can really highlight this.

Speaker 1:

So actually the first time I ever went into a lot of detail about the transits on the podcast was in late October last year and at the time Gate 18 was transiting and there's a whole episode on this. If you want to go back to it, I'll link it in the show notes. Gate 18 was transiting and Gate 18 is the gate of judgment. Now I just launched the frequency project, which is my signature human design for marketing group program, and it was my third launch and I had a huge launch, lots of incredible women joining, and I became quite overwhelmed with the amount of reports that I was generating and I made a few mistakes, typos, that sort of thing. And when I was alerted to this by the women in the program who were like, oh, I think I got the wrong page, I went into this massive self-judgment of how I you know, not self-sabotage, but more like not good enough energy, imposter syndrome, more imposter syndrome. And you know I'm looking at what's happening in the transits and I'm like of course I'm being incredibly judgmental of myself. And as the episode goes I then realized I needed to kind of get out of this judgment and start to look at things in a more discerning and light and playful way, but one of the big drop-ins that I had at this time was that I needed to actually hire someone in my business to support me with getting these human design reports out into the world in a very professional, attention to detail way, and that was like. This was a decision I made directly related to the transits, and I hired my incredible senior virtual assistant, Sidra, who gosh, I can't believe how long she's been with me. It's gone really quickly, but she's transformed my business in the our ability to get well, especially readings out, which you know, this is something that used to take me hours to do, and now we're actually at the point where it's really very quick and very automated and very consistently delivered. So that's my first example.

Speaker 1:

The next time that I moved as a result of the transits into something beyond content was as gate 26 was transiting, and my interpretation of gate 26 is that it is about sales If you've got the 26, and you are likely somebody who is natural when it comes to selling and it's also about authenticity and integrity in sales. So, with this transit approaching, I decided now is the time for me to create a new offer, something fun, something that I haven't done before. That's incredibly high value, that I feel super in integrity about offering. And like I got this hit and the next day, like one day later, I built this new product, which is the Digital Marketing Success by Design Bundle, which, since then, well, by Design Bundle which, since then, well, it immediately sold, by the way, but since then has brought $7,000 into our business, my business, which isn't massive until you think about this, it's a passive product for me and that has been part of my offer suite for seven months, has been part of my offer suite for seven months, which means it is adding, on average, $1,000 a month passively into my business to this very day. So that was really a massive win where I was inspired and initiated by the transits into creating a product.

Speaker 1:

And then the most recent example, when it goes beyond content and into offers, is this week and it inspired this podcast. So this week, after you know what's been a really challenging couple of months for me, or at least last six weeks, I knew that the 53 was coming and the 53 is new beginnings, development, expansion, as I mentioned at the start of this episode, and I had this not yet product, but work that I'd done, which was actually the background intelligence that feeds my entire YouTube channel and supports me to create or to share the wisdom of every single gate and its marketing expression onto the YouTube channel and into all of my readings. So this is work that I've done all 64 gates that took me months and months and months to do. I did not use AI. Every part of it is from my marketing brain, combined or synthesized with human design wisdom and inside this, what I call the 64 cosmic content codes.

Speaker 1:

I consider every gate from the perspective of if this gate was a brand, what would this brand stand for? If this gate was a brand, what would this brand stand for? What's the energy of this gate? What would this gate's values be? If this gate were going to tell a story or inspire a brand story, what would the story be about? Then? If this gate were to inform content overall, what kind of content would it inspire? And then, finally, if I was going to create content based on this gate, what prompts would support me and, of course, my clients and you Now.

Speaker 1:

I started working on this in August last year, so I'd already been doing the kind of light gate transit updates in the Facebook group for a few months when I had this download and I've shared content on this this week in my email, in my social media about like this moment when I had the drop in, that this was something that, to my knowledge, didn't exist, that I felt so divinely gifted and able to bring through, and I got very excited. It was a weekend, it was a Saturday morning, when I had this idea of creating a content code for every single gate, and I thought it was going to be. You know, it's going to take me a month, because I'm going to do two gates a day until I've done all 64, but that was absolutely not what unfolded, because, of course, for about three or four days that happened, and then life got in the way and it ended up taking months and months. It took months. It took to the end of the year to get all 64 gates done.

Speaker 1:

In the meantime, though, it inspired the YouTube channel. So it was the foundation content that inspired the YouTube channel, and even that was, you know, that helped me stay accountable, because I had to create the cosmic content codes in time for the YouTube episode. So I didn't create these codes in order of one to 64. They got created in order of when the YouTube episode was going to be ready True story. But I needed to get it all done because it was adding pressure to my workload, but in a really great way, because I knew this was going to be so formative for my business. So I did all of this and then, because it took so much from me and I felt like it is so I don't know, I felt like I needed to protect it because it's my secret genius, you know, until this last couple of weeks.

Speaker 1:

So this last couple of weeks, kind of reconnecting with my business and needing a boost, when I was asked by Emma Dunwoody, who is my mentor, peer, friend, co-collaborator, if I could share these 64 gates through the lens of marketing with her, she asked me, she sent me a text and said hey, is this something you have? Could you share it with me? And I'm, like you know what, not the first person to ask. I've been asked by a few people because they I have often shared just one page, like I'll just share with you your personality, son, but I've never shared all 64. But when she asked it was, I think it was like the final jolt that I needed to actually turn this wisdom or body of work whatever you want to call it into an actual product. And, of course, working with the transits, I realized that sharing it for the first time in this beautiful, expansive new getting started with a project energy of the Gate 53, that this would be an incredible moment in time to do that. So this week I released my 64 Cosmic Content Codes Guide and it blew my freaking mind Like I was like oh, I don't know how this is going to go, but I hope I'm going to sell at least 10 on the first day. No, I sold 50 and the sales have kept coming, which has been phenomenal but also testament to the power of the work I've done to educate the market on the value of this and people's appetite for this style of learning.

Speaker 1:

At this price point there's a great value product that has a life that expands beyond. You receive it and you learn it, and that's it. It's like a living working system to provide content, inspiration that is going to help you connect with your clients, and all year round, 365 days a year. And it's different. It's not like, oh my God, you just need to use these top 10 hooks or content prompts it's every six days you better understand the kind of content that's going to work, and you have the prompts to make it really simple, especially if you're a generator to respond to with content that meets the background frequency to respond to with content that meets the background frequency. So simple, so simple, so powerful. But you know, what is simple for me is not as simple for those of you that you know don't have a marketing background, haven't spent decades understanding how to create content that is engaging, and so what I've managed to do by building out this guide is make it simple for you. So it took me 30 years to make it this simple for you.

Speaker 1:

Really, stepping into my line five wisdom here, coming to you with this as a practical solution, that is, yeah, it's now available for you, so if you've already bought it, I wanted to finish this episode with a few insights into how I recommend you work with this guide. So, firstly, you're going to want to follow, even if you're not using it straight away. You're going to want to follow the Sun Transit as it's moving through and read about the content implications in the e-book. In the beginning of this e-book, it has a list of the dates for you. You don't have to go and look it up anyway, it's inside the e-book Now, if you're ready to take the next stop, stop, step and actually use it as your content planning system.

Speaker 1:

When you purchased, you also got access to my project management tool, which I use Trello, and you have a gate-by-gate in the order, the date order of the gates, transiting list of content prompts in this system so you can jump in and immediately type in and bounce off the prompt and build out content ideas. It's so freaking good and not only is this going to help you all year round. As I said, there's at least five, maybe 10 prompts for each gate, so you could literally use it every single day for an entire year and you're not going to run out of content prompts. There's many more than 365 content prompts, but the true wisdom and the magic is that they're built understanding what your audience is going to be feeling and resonating with around, the exact type of messaging and content that you're delivering. It's so good, it's so good and already I've got so much feedback.

Speaker 1:

So, beyond that, when you've got the guide, you're going to use it in a couple of ways. So, firstly, the transits which I've just explained. Number one is just following and reading about the gate as it's moving through. Number two is starting to use it to inform your content and possibly using the Trello board. Number three, looking at the key gates that are relevant for you in marketing. So, if you've never done this before, really contemplating your personal brand through your personality sun.

Speaker 1:

So getting clear on that gate and going diving deep into the marketing expression of your personality sun. So getting clear on that gate and going diving deep into the marketing expression of your personality sun, you're also going to want to do the exact same thing for your personality mercury. These are parts of your own expression that are always present. It's not something that is going to rotate in and out. You're always going to be exploring and sharing wisdom and lessons that are aligned to both your personality sun and your personality Mercury, and you know what. You don't even need to limit it to that. I would suggest you also go and look at your design side sun, and your design side mercury as well, because these are the design side. They're maybe less conscious, but they're still a big part of your expression, and the layers of this is what make it so incredibly robust and powerful.

Speaker 1:

So that's a bit more around the transits, the cosmic content codes, why they're so phenomenal and I would invite you to go and purchase this guide yourself if you haven't already. If you've got questions and you're like I don't understand this fully, please go ahead and message me over on Instagram at YvetteMeyer underscore. Happy to bounce anything off with you, but other than that, I'm just super excited and feeling super abundant. It is a true story that in just on 24 hours during Gate 53 that this product bought in over $5,000 into my business. I mean, thank you Transits, thank you community. So excited and so thrilled that already I'm getting a lot of feedback around how good this product is and my confidence in it spreading is yeah, it's amazing, it's so good.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening. I have really enjoyed sharing this with you and I look forward to being back in your ears real soon. Thanks for tuning in to the Human Design for Marketing podcast. Make sure you hit that subscribe button, tell your friends and extra brownie points Go. Leave me a review. I would so appreciate it. There are heaps more resources in the show notes. I can't wait to be back in your ears again soon. Bye for now.