The Human Design for Marketing podcast™, with Yvette Mayer

Lit up Content with Kylie Patchett | Episode 174

Yvette Mayer Season 3 Episode 174

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In this episode, I chat with Kylie Patchett, a brand visibility and voice coach, about finding the fun, joy and juice (or as I call it "being Lit up") in your marketing + business.

Kylie is pouring all her human design nerdy-ness and 'neurosparkly-ness' on how understanding her design has hugely transformed her marketing as a 3/5 Generator, doing all the pivots (17 careers to date, wowzies) and doubting up until she finds her perfect permission slip in her DESIGN.

We dive into the transits and Kylie - being BIG about content and a star storyteller - is sharing the playful twist she has recently added to her content strategy using transits with my 64 Cosmic Content Codes Guide (linked above)

You would absolutely want to listen to the strategy she's come up with and it's freaking genius and fun (her line 3 style)!

You'll love this conversation between two Generators and it's inspirational in more ways than one.

PS, I'm sharing inside info on my latest offer (time-sensitive) "Build your HD Business" and it's for those in the Human Design mentoring, coaching or reading offers space to build an HD business from ground up.  So if you're one, hit me up in my IG DMs to get all the info and get your questions answered, just an FYI: 50% of the seats are already filled.


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Speaker 1:

Hi, hi, welcome to the Human Design for Marketing podcast. I'm your host, yvette Mayer, and this show's for you if you're done with cookie cutter marketing and ready to build your personal brand in alignment with who you really are. I'm a marketing expert, human design nerd and intuitive business coach who's helped hundreds of women just like you to elevate their frequency and activate their most magnetic personal brand. Each week, we'll dive into practical tips, interviews, conversations and more to help you create an aligned business, a positive contribution and, of course, an abundant life. Let's dive in.

Speaker 1:

Hello, welcome back to the Human Design for Marketing podcast with Yvette Mayer. Yes, that's me, and this week you're also having a very special guest on, so I'm excited to share Kylie Patchett with you. She's come to me. We've spoken many times about human design and marketing. I've been on her podcast. She's quite the human design nerd as well as entrepreneur, business owner, and we're going to get into. We're going to talk about the transits a lot on this episode actually, but before we do that, I would love to hand it over to Kylie to properly introduce herself, what she does and share a bit about her design with us.

Speaker 2:

Over to you. Okay, that's a big question. All right, so I'm Kylie. I live in country Queensland in Australia. I'm a country bumpkin at heart in my own little bubble, and I'm a brand copy and content storyteller and a voice and visibility coach, mainly working with healers, helpers and creatives. So I like to say the rebels, the revolutionaries, the paradigm shifters, the thought leaders. They are my people. I am a status quo challenger by design. I reckon. Actually that's an interesting conversation. I don't know about human design, but, yeah, so I.

Speaker 2:

My deep passion is helping the people that have got massive, big, different ways of looking at things, different paradigms that they're wanting the world to understand and shift into, potentially have not always, but potentially have some visibility or voice, like messaging blocks around that they can't quite figure out how to get that to a lot more people. So about impacting a lot more people and having more influence and also, obviously, more income, because that's what comes with that. I am a generator. I'm a 3-5 generator. Yeah, same as you. I feel like we should be like a ring or something that you click together. So, yeah, I'm a 3-5 design. So I came across human design through a different container that I was in a couple of few years ago now and just discovering that a three, five is literally meant to like snack on life and try things for size and, trial and error, learn. Or three I know that's the three part. That was like the biggest shift in my self-identity, because I had spent an entire lifetime making myself wrong for not sticking to things.

Speaker 2:

So I was a forensic biologist back in the nineties. I still have people In fact I was holidaying with one last week still have friends that are in that same career. I've literally had 17 careers since then. I always used to I had this kind of self inner critic, or whatever you want to call it saying if you could just stick at something, you could really make a go of this, and I'm like I would get bored, like the thought of still being in forensic makes me want to stick a fork in my eye, like literally like I just cannot imagine being in a lab coat, in a fume hood by myself, not talking to people, not communicating, like just not my cup of tea.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, so that is my intro to human design. That's really been the driving force behind using it as a reference point for better understanding myself and realising that it doesn't matter how much I want to be like X, y, z person who does it this way, I'm not and that's okay, you know yeah.

Speaker 1:

Such a beautiful permission slip, ah, so good. And I know that a big part of your work and it evolves but has been about communicating and storytelling and writing, which I love, because I always say that the most important element in your marketing as a line three is telling stories. Yeah, when you're out there and you have a line three stories, I mean they're everything anyway, and I know it might actually throw to you because I'm about to go on a rant right now about how yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

No, rant, rant, Let me. No, I'd like to invite you to tell us about the three most storytelling. This is your gig, I didn't actually know.

Speaker 2:

I didn't realize that the three was a storyteller part. Anyway, the reason so? I have worked in health science, medical community services and mining industries across my career and I've always ended up in roles where I'm either leading teams or region training, educating, marketing, communicating. In some. I've always ended up being in those roles, like in many, many, many different sectors, and I realized that even back, like in the early what was it?

Speaker 2:

The late nineties or early 2000s, I used to be a university lecturer and I was lecturing in forensic biology, like genetics Is that right, can you imagine? Anyway, but I remember even then, as a lecturer, I was using stories to help people remember things because our brains, there is this beautiful centre in our brain that lights up when someone says you know, the other day I was at the shops and dah, dah, dah dah, because the person listening is then picturing themselves in the story, or they're relating to something that you're saying, or they're going. Oh, that sucks, that is not how I see that. But the story gives us context to either engage and relate and, you know, build that, know like and trust, or to be repelled, and that is what we want in our marketing. So, like, my biggest thing is stop trying to be everyone's cup of tea. Be, I don't know whatever. You are the Macca, you know the half strength with the twist of whatever. Yeah, because being like storytelling allows you to be the you-iest version of you. Be the you-iest version of you.

Speaker 2:

Or, like I often say to clients, like the truthiest truth. And they're like what? And I'm like I don't want to know the surface level when we're talking about copying content. Don't tell me about you. Know someone feeling more confident? I want you to actually tell me a story of how they're feeling right now when they look in the mirror, versus how, when they work with you, they are going to be completely transformed. But completely transformed Doesn't tell me anything. Tell me a story of the before and the after, and then your offer or your coaching or your whatever is the bridge between the two? Right?

Speaker 2:

that's so much easier to invite someone to, and so I always think like I use the top, the term all the time cookie cutter copywriting and I have had a couple of copywriters. I've been in containers we'd get a bit like. But what I mean by that is copywriting by formula, and this is where the human design comes in as well. Copywriting by formula using someone else's step-by-step framework is great. Often that's the framework that works for them. They might be a completely different design to you, yeah, and then you go away and try and replicate it and a it's not the truthiest truth of you because you're trying to do it someone else's way. So your energy is completely misaligned. But also you know it just doesn't feel good. And when your marketing doesn't feel good, guess what you don't market. So therefore you don't share your offers, you don't make you know um connections with people, you don't magnetize the right collaborations like magnetismism.

Speaker 1:

It's the whole lesson of the Frequency Project actually.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, that's what I was about to say the frequency.

Speaker 1:

You have to be aligned. Yes, when you're in alignment, your frequency increases and then people feel that energy from you Absolutely. It's so magnetic and powerful and, yeah, that's so bang on.

Speaker 2:

And I know that you're really into human design, but just to hear you use some of this language, it's a very I tell you, like when you say frequency, like if I'm working with someone and I mostly work with very woo people anyway so I don't have to kind of like water down my woo-ness because I'm full woo with a side of science science which is a weird combination anyway.

Speaker 2:

Um, but I lost my train of thought then, sorry uh, when you're working with people, oh yeah so if I need to explain it in non-frequency or energy words, I say imagine that your copy and your content and your branding or your visual brand identity is putting out a bat signal and the bat you know, everyone knows the bat. You know, everyone knows the bat signal. Everyone of our vintage knows the bat signal. And what that bat signal is doing is creating an attraction point. Right, you're putting up this bat signal in the sky and the people that need you want your bat signal.

Speaker 2:

So if you're using someone else's version of things or someone else's way of communicating or any sort of formulaic, one-size-fits-all magic pill solution which makes me want to vomit, it is not you that you're putting out there. So, by definition, that bat signal is talking to the wrong people, the clients that aren't a good fit for you or they're not ready for the level of work you are. And the other thing and this is where my voice and visibility comes in a lot is often, when I'm working with someone, it's at the stage in their brand or business journey where they've maybe, maybe they've DIY'd or they've done something at a certain sort of level and they're being called into this next evolution. Right, there's something that is bubbling up from underneath the surface and it is wanting to be expressed out there, and that is when that? Can I really say that? Do I really know enough?

Speaker 2:

No one's said it like this before Like by definition, if you're shifting paradigms, there's probably not anyone else, or not? A Friction in that? Yeah, exactly. And so I'm in the middle of writing a book at the moment and I just wrote a chapter about you have to go first, right? So if you are inviting someone to step into, well, for me this is a perfect example of like the inside of the inside, Like I'm writing a chapter about going first.

Speaker 2:

And this is the very first time I've talked about voice and visibility coaching, because I've been in the closet as a coach, because I used to coach in my first business all the time. But what I'm seeing a pattern of is people at that evolution point and I'm like storytelling and brand and copy and content all the magic that that does can take you a certain level. But if you don't have alignment with being seen and heard as a thought leader, as a revolutionary, as the you know the simmering up, then you've got a problem and that's when coaching comes in. So I'm like you know what? I have to come out of the closet, because there are so many tools in my coaching toolbox that will help with that. Yeah, so I'm like bring it, the world is in a pretty bad.

Speaker 1:

I mean I might be asking you a question that you're not ready to share. But is that good? That's some some. Is that what your book's about?

Speaker 2:

uh, yes it is it's about? Yes, it's um. The book originally started as me interviewing eight rebels and revolutionaries and thought leaders and kind of showcasing how storytelling is the magnetic force that draws the right people. But it has actually turned into and this is where the you know, inside of your own message comes this yeah, distillation of a whole new evolution of what I'm doing. So I'm right in the middle of the vortex of like holy F balls.

Speaker 1:

Okay, what's happening? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. I know you're not a manifesting generator, but, gee, you speak like one.

Speaker 2:

This is well, this is. We had that conversation by voice note the other day of like why do I get so excited about so many different things?

Speaker 1:

I mean, I have not unpacked your chart at a deep level. I've glanced at it so I know you've got a couple of throat-centred gates and actually, if you're listening to this and you're resonating with and maybe you're a generator and you're like I also have all these ideas and change directions and evolve all the time, there are so many aspects to your design beyond your type that can speak to and will speak to why and for you, you know, being a 3-5 profile definitely is very aligned as well with how you're accepting yourself. The other thing with generators is we have this thing called a generator plateau. So we tend to go after something to the point of mastery, like we don't give up easily. We go after it, we go to the point of mastery and then we can get a bit bored.

Speaker 2:

Oh, all the time. That's why I've had 17 careers, literally because I've been two and a half years and I'm like I'm done.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's a little different in that many gens are more likely to start and stop and change direction midway, whereas generators tend to keep going until they've mastered something and then it is really back to. Can I reignite my spark for this? Yes, can I reignite my spark for this? Yes, can I tweak and keep going and and you know, stay in this field, this niche, whatever that looks like for you? Or do I need to reinvent? And so, if you're listening to this as a generator type and you're resonating with some of this, you're either in a generator plateau, yeah, I've never heard of that before.

Speaker 2:

That makes very much sense to me.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and that means it's it's time for you to re come back to why you do what you do and and like there are so many ways that you can reignite your spark for what you're doing and stay the course, or you, you are literally being prompted gently by the universe to evolve nudge, nudge yeah, I had this, um, this this is going to sound so obvious as a generator, but I had this like literal bright light in my mind the other night.

Speaker 2:

I was like I was thinking about my to-do list in business and I play this game with myself. Sometimes, when I'm just about to step up into a new level, I play the overwhelm game. So then my brain goes oh, so much to do, and I do think that that's a little bit of the neuro sparkly side of me as well that my brain is, you know, likes to go oh, squirrel, oh whatever. But I noticed this pattern and I was like, ah, you know what, I'm not really available for this anymore. Like this just feels like it's the same self-sabotage spiral that I go into and blah-de-blah, you know, keep yourself safe, keep yourself small, keep yourself protected exactly the same sort of stuff that I'm talking about with clients.

Speaker 2:

And, yeah, I had this moment where I was journaling out with something that was given to me by my coach of, like you know, pacing yourself, like going 10 years back, three years back and one year back in your timeline and talking about, like, what did you say yes to?

Speaker 2:

What did you say no to?

Speaker 2:

What were your values, what was your life like, et cetera.

Speaker 2:

And then also going forward one, three and 10 years, and I had this moment where I was doing the 10 year in the future and I was, oh my God, I have been doing the exact same thing that I was just talking about with the formula in my business, like trying to sort of not replicate other people's ways of doing things, but thinking that there's a right way to do it right and there isn't a right way to do business.

Speaker 2:

There's literally a billion infinite options. And I was like what if I just decided right now that joy was my business strategy? What if I just let myself do so you're going to follow what lights you up A hundred percent. That's the thing, and I'm like this is what lights me up is like, yes, the brand, the copy of the content, all of that storytelling, and also with the energy and the frequency and the somatic work so that people can be released to actually unleash their full selves into the world, because I'm like there's no fun and especially when the world is in, you know, such a tricky state yes, like it's a cluster if you.

Speaker 2:

I'm really trying not to swear, so so sorry, okay, yeah, I think allowing yourself, particularly as a generator, to follow that juiciness and squeeze the juice out of it is like more than enough of a strategy.

Speaker 1:

It's like pumping alone. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

And again I was doing this thing, it was like oh, but people won't. You know what, if then you're moving direction a bit the you know you're who cares? No one is looking at you as much as we are.

Speaker 1:

For starters, now a couple of things that have just sparked for me while you're talking uh, we've just been in and I'm I'm going to get into transits now yes. Yes, yes, we've been in the 48, which is the gate of depth. Yes, and as you were talking, I'm like, okay, so when she was experiencing this, we're in the 48, and the low frequency of the 48 is doubting that. You know enough.

Speaker 2:

Just reading it in my spreadsheet going this is freaking hilarious, this is a perfect example, yep, and it's interesting, right, because I also had moments, and I've had.

Speaker 1:

You know, if you listen to the podcast, you know I haven't had a great last week, no, but anyway, I've also had a couple of moments where I'm like I'm feeling the low frequency of the 48, whereas, you know, the high frequency of the 48 is actually that self-recognition and remembrance, that you have all the resources you need, that you're more than enough.

Speaker 1:

So I thought I'd bring that up, because it really does speak to exactly in real time the effect of the transit, yep. And then now where we're moving to, if you happen to be listening to this, uh, we've just moved into the 57 today, one of my favorite gates, for no reason outside of, I just find that it's so. It's one of those you can't make this up gates that almost every single person that I've ever read for worked with. That has 57 has this incredible intuitive power and they tend to be working in like they're a psychic or a tarot reader, like it's just so. It's just one of the one of the gates I'm like, of course, you've got like the signpost game.

Speaker 2:

It's like, yep, you do that big work, yeah, so with the transits as we move into the 57.

Speaker 1:

This really is a time to be getting out of your head and feeling into. Here's how I define the 57 the sense into your spidey sense like and people with the 57 they tend to like have a nose for when something is not quite right, yep, yep, and that that is more in the negative. It's like this uneasy feeling. Settled feeling is in the low frequency, but then the high frequency is trusting. That sense of this is right for me, yeah, and it makes so much sense Feeling the clarity come through. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I thought I'd segue into the transits, because Kylie and I you know, we've chatted many times over recent months all things human design nerding and when I brought to the market the 64 Cosmic Content Codes Guide, she was all over it. I was and listening, I think super excited to have this as a resource to help with content. If you're newer to this topic, I will briefly share what I'm talking about. Yes, one of the major bodies of work that I've created probably the biggest since moving towards human design for marketing is looking at every single gate and there are 64, as a content code. So that's already good, but the way that we can work with this is to really understand as the human design transits through each gate, which happens across a 12-month period, just like in astrology where we move through the astrological calendar through 12 star signs.

Speaker 2:

The wheel Like once a month.

Speaker 1:

We change star signs. Well, in human design transits, the gates move through the sun every six days rather than every month.

Speaker 1:

So, every six days we go into a new frequency that is kind of like the background weather as far as our oh, I like that too. Yeah, it's like the background weather around, how people are tuned in to different energies and likely to be feeling, thinking, experiencing. I like that. So with that, with how I've brought this work through, I have a new gate released into the world as a content code, in alignment with when the transits move into each well, into position, into the sun. So, as I've just spoken about, right now, today we will be releasing a Gate 57 YouTube episode which will take you through the high frequency of the 57, the low, and then the piece de la resistance is.

Speaker 2:

The genius. Yes, I would love to know the story actually behind how you, when you were delivered this, like, oh, this is what I need to do with this anyway.

Speaker 1:

Um because it's a really cool story. But yeah, so, uh. So this has become something that I do in the Facebook group. If you're not in the Facebook group, go to the show notes and join it YouTube. It's like we're nearly at the end of the whole 64 gate, so every single gate is going to be on YouTube. We have a blog post that comes out in alignment with all of this, every six days as well, like it's a huge part of what I do. But we went next level a couple of months ago when we released the entire body of work around the prompts the actual content prompts as a product. So you can now buy the 64 Cosmic Content Code Guide, which comes with a page that details everything about that particular code.

Speaker 1:

Let's call it and a bunch of content prompts so that you can be working with this energy all freaking year long, week in, week out, and get the keys to the content queendom.

Speaker 1:

That's how I it's like this is this is because I think, anyway, I'll let you finish but this is why kylie is here, because she's like you and like many of you listening. She bought this and it's changed her life and she's told me on a number of occasions how it's the best system she's ever found to create content. And I thought you know what. I know what we're all like. We're busy humans. Some of you will have bought this and not done a whole lot with it, and I decided that it would be so freaking valuable for you to hear about and this is not from me, I'm not selling you it. This is from somebody who has this, who is using it week in, week out how she does it. So we'll do that. We'll do that, we'll do that, and then after that I will share at the end how this happened, how this actually happened.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I would love to, because I am always, I feel, like Story the bodies of work.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly the story. But the bodies of work that come to us, you know you could have very easily when that idea came going, oh, no, too big or too like who am I? Or whatever bloody blah, blah. So I would love to know the story because it will demonstrate how you have to say yes and go first, as I am writing about Okay. So I write a lot of copy for a lot of different people. So when it comes to my own social media and my own messaging, sometimes I'm like, oh, for God's sake, I don't have any more words, like I, literally and the way that I see and I do think this is again a neuro sparkly thing but when I'm working with a new client, they feel to me like a color or a texture or a feeling or an energy. And when we have our first half day together, I kind of I don't know I feel like I can slip back into that signature and write from their perspective, right? So because I do that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Well, it it is. I don't know I was working with a beautiful healer, sarah Brooke, and she said you know that you're actually. Oh, now I've forgotten what she called it. Anyway, she called it something. I was like oh, that sounds way too clever for me. Anyway, whatever, shapeshifting. No, that wasn't it, anyway, it doesn't matter.

Speaker 2:

But the thing is that sometimes, because I'm doing that a lot, it can be more tricky for me to actually even get back into my own message, and I think that that's not uncommon. Like if you're a plumber, you've got leaky taps. If you're a copywriter like me, sometimes your copy sucks.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I'm way better at helping other people, Exactly you know well, cause, yeah, exactly, so we have long, so my team have long had a spreadsheet. That's social media. I always, always encourage all my clients to have what I call a content bucket. So just somewhere and I use Google because I like that, you can get to it everything but wherever it is, where you just dump ideas as they come to you, and often I will get woken up in the middle of the night with literally 70 ideas of posts and I'll be like not now, I want to sleep, but I will often be like whack it all on my phone. Sometimes it makes no sense because I'm typing without glasses on. That's fine.

Speaker 2:

So I've always had a content bucket and that has been good for me because as a generator, rather than just coming up with an idea for me to look at a list and go, ah, that's something that inspires me, respond to it. Yeah, so I've done that for a while, but then we put when I got your download, then I asked my team to put an extra two columns in the spreadsheet and it has what gate we're in and the content prompts. So the gate column has the you know, like you were saying the shadow and the gift, and then the next one has the you know, like you were saying, the shadow and the gift, and then the next one has the content prompts and that just gives me another layer of it's kind of like yes, that idea sparks me, but then the cosmic codes give me like a lens through which to look at it too, or like what perspective do I want to write about this? Exactly, exactly, and it makes like I did I'm a bit late for my October content, but I did all of my October content last night using this system, and then we also have, like you know, column for hashtags and blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 2:

I love a system. I love a system, but I just find it is fascinating because it is not only easier for people to consume and respond to that content when you are actually in the same energy of whatever gate that we're in, um, but it also it just makes it. It makes it fun. And coming back to joy, is my business strategy sitting down to write social media content. Up until a couple of months ago, when I started doing it this way, it was always something that I just kept on moving, like every day in my project management software and i'm'm like I do this for we literally provide, done for you social media, the easiest thing, I do not the hardest.

Speaker 2:

But for me and again that comes back to, you know, voice and visibility blocks of my own, like you know, just talking about what you do and blah, blah, blah, it's way easier to blow someone else's trumpet than it is to blow yours. But, yeah, this just gives me. And then we've taken it to a new level and this was not instigated by me, this is instigated by my amazing Phoenix, who's on my team that basically she decided that she would go into the content bucket, which is one tab, and then kind of drop in ideas that kind of already align with the gates ahead of time.

Speaker 2:

So she is now in the middle of putting in November and December in, so that then and what I love about that is I'm a big believer in doing things when the flow is there, and so, rather than having this thing on my to-do list that I'm always pushing back, now it creates this container where I'm like, oh, I could, I've got like half an hour I could go and play and do a couple of posts, or I could, did you just use the word play for?

Speaker 2:

oh my god, I'm like how has it taken me this long? Because I've had, like my biggest barrier to building a business last time and this time is always that working hard for money thing like I. That conditioning is so strong for me and I've come a long way, long, long way, but I feel like the level of let joy drive the bus. I'm like what? Like this is just like a completely different viewpoint.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, I really love it. It's 100% aligned for you as a human to do that as well. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, I feel like the system just gets this whole I'm going to use the word depth, it's an, it's a whole other depth, because then you've got, yeah, the energy of what's actually going on in the universe as well, excuse me and I just find it really powerful. I feel like, um, yeah, it's easier and easier and easier for me to voice the things, because I am very passionate about not just creating posts for the sake of it. Like I hate that concept of volume posting, like, yeah, you can do three posts a day, that's fine, but are they valuable posts? Are they actually useful for people and whatever? And you know, different intentions, different whatever, that's fine, there's no judgment there. But for me that doesn't feel aligned for me. So I want to make useful content, but I also don't want it to feel like I'm like slogging through you know treacle, trying to get there. So, yeah, this just makes it fun and it's really nice to send, like flick my team an email going all right, october's ready to go, go for it.

Speaker 1:

It's like and how are you finding it's being received Like? Have you noticed any?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I have Well, so I've always had this. I find reels trickier because there's I've always thought like reels and you're one of the people that's so consistent with reels and I know that there's so much value in terms of attracting new people to your ecosystem in doing reels, but the whole like lip-syncing thing, like I just oh yuck. Like I just.

Speaker 1:

You've got to do what feels right for you Exactly.

Speaker 2:

But this way I have actually started to just systematise even the real. So I feel like my resistance is going and so my reach, my normal reach, would be like 2,000 people and now it's like 10,000 people. So, yeah, it's making a big difference because, yeah, I feel like that's actually changed your frequency.

Speaker 1:

Listening to it Exactly, it's not so much the process as how it's changed your internal frequency it's making you more magnetic because of that.

Speaker 2:

And yeah, because I just think back to and I even look sometimes at posts back a bit, like if I'm looking for inspiration, I think, oh, what got? And some things are like what the actual F, like we all do that so not, but you know. So out of alignment yeah.

Speaker 1:

Not you. Yeah, I keep thinking Not being your. You is you?

Speaker 2:

No, exactly, there's no way you is you, and then that means that I'm muddying the water, my bat signal is a little bit wonky, and you know, know.

Speaker 1:

Then there's no surprise if you get non-ideal clients turning up because you're sending out a wonky, bat signal like it's on you so yeah, I love it and it's so great to have this reflected back, that this is not just something that you buy and you put on the shelf and you think, well, I'm going to get to that one day, but to to actually be in a place where you're finding these big outcomes as a result of this. I mean and, and and. Look, let me get into the story now, because it's yes, please, I want to know. It's more of a moment you know like, rather than what I was doing back, if I go back to when I first started working on this project. So I went all in on human design for marketing at the beginning of 2023.

Speaker 1:

So, coming up towards two years now and in the beginning I, you know I've got a business brain and a marketing brain. I'm like you know what. This is not going to be a half-ass. This is like I'm going all in, and so I built a strategy around omnipresence and building my profile and becoming synonymous, and I knew that that was going to take time. So from the beginning of 2023, that was like that was my 100% focus. I recall a few months into that, I watched I'm in Emma Dunwoody, who's my human design mentor. I'm in her membership and I watched a class on the transits and it was by her mentor. So my mentor's mentor is really her name's Kim Gould. She's really into all things transits and, if you go back, she started in learning human design in, I think, the 90s.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Like decades ago. She's a true, yeah, and she's from Australia and she didn't have uh access to teachers and we didn't have the internet like we do now. Yeah, and so she self-taught herself by tracking the transits. Whoa, yes, this was an experiment for her to deepen her design experiment. That's very cool, isn't that interesting?

Speaker 2:

Now I'm like I want to know how old she was, because that sounds like a second life, you know midlife quest.

Speaker 1:

to me it's like right now.

Speaker 2:

I have time to dive deep into something.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I think she's a really interesting and powerful human and yeah, you know, she's like old school, like source, close to the source. But I watched this and then I just started getting so fascinated by the transits, yeah, and so I I started kind of tracking it for myself and then I, you know, I had this spark like what if? What if content was changed around this as well. So all of this is the lead up, but then on the day, it was like a bolt of imagine if I created, imagine if I created a separate code for every gate, imagine that had content, props. And I was just like and it was a weekend, it was a sunday, I couldn't get out and it was in the morning, I couldn't get out of bed fast enough to start up, like I literally was at the coffee shop. It's like okay, but I started the project within an hour of the idea.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, uh, it was. It just was like I just knew I, I just was like this is going to be dynamite, like this is going to really help people, yeah, and then I was so excited this is like middle of last year I feel like it was May, june actually yeah, and so then I set out on this thing where I decided that I would do I can't remember what it was now but the 64. So I think I thought I'll do two a day.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yes, I haven't heard you say this before and I'm like, oh my goodness, I'll do it in a month and I was so kidding myself Took me months, Took me like four months or something like that, and yeah, and then it's evolved since then. Then, you know, it became pretty quickly. It became, you know what I wanted to do a YouTube channel in a big way as part of my omnipresent strategy.

Speaker 2:

Omnipresence is yes.

Speaker 1:

And so then had the idea to do it as the main thing on the YouTube channel so good. It's been a labour of love, but we're at the end now. Yes, I know.

Speaker 2:

I was just thinking when you said we're almost there, I'm like, oh my God, yeah well.

Speaker 1:

I've finished filming all 64 Gates, but there's editing to be done on the back end. Oh wow, like we're at the point now and it's going to actually feed a whole lot of other stuff once it's done as well. Like the guide, you heard it here first. I'm intending to embed the link to every YouTube episode.

Speaker 2:

I've done, so you can also watch the episode.

Speaker 1:

It's all linked into the guide. Oh my God, so good, yeah, which will happen because we'll be at the full 64 gates by November, so that's going to happen in like another six weeks.

Speaker 2:

Oh, so good. Do you know what? As you're talking, I? You use the term before body of work and I feel like anyone who's listening that's had a big idea and gets overwhelmed by the amount of work that goes into it. Um, I feel like there's something in me that wants to say like we're in this for the long game, but us people who are here, yeah to ripple out influence and positive contribution to the world.

Speaker 2:

We're not just doing it as a quick one and done thing. So if it takes you a year to labor over something and create this body of work that will change the way people are doing things, so be it be it.

Speaker 1:

I'm so here for that and it's and it's interesting actually, this project I spoke about this.

Speaker 1:

I'm on the human design podcast every month with emma and I I spoke about this on her podcast, but I'll share it here as well. Like I've had moments when I wanted to quit because it wasn't lighting me up. It's just a lot of production. So, you know, I have to film myself there's multiple camera angles and then get the footage off the cameras and it's been a huge thing and I don't necessarily I feel like I don't know what it is. But with the YouTube channel it's not like the podcast where I'm having a chat. It's like hello.

Speaker 2:

I'm here. Yes, yes, it's more of a.

Speaker 1:

So it's just been a thing. And when I was halfway into it I was like shoot me now. I can't keep going. But I also knew that I had spent so much time and money a lot of money like more than I've ever spent on anything. To be honest, that stopping halfway would be like never have an option. It just wasn't an option. But I had people around me saying cut and run, girl, what are you doing? And I'm like there is no part of me, absolutely none that is willing to not see this through. I just have to get better at it, and that's what we did as a team.

Speaker 2:

There's an invitation there isn't there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like I got Sidra, who is the senior VA on my team, to project manage me, I'm like I don't want to do it, I want to do as little as humanly possible. You tell me where to show up and what to do, and I will do that, and it still has come with a lot of me having to do, because I'm the one who has to set the cameras up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, the practicalities, but compared to what it was it absolutely improved.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and now we are at the point where, because of this footage, which is now infiltrating Google search, when you search for anything to do with marketing in a particular gate, you're going to find my videos. Yeah, we are dominating the whole freaking thing.

Speaker 2:

This is the equivalent of what's the one that always it's. There's a lady who does the gene keys specifically, and if you just say gate.

Speaker 1:

blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's the one she's like all over things as well, I'm like you are the equivalent of that in marketing.

Speaker 1:

I love to hear that. And what we're seeing on the website because we also have the blog each day and then we embed the YouTube video into that as well is the traffic to the website has grown by 800%.

Speaker 1:

Whoa, that's so cool yeah and this is the long game, right, like I knew from the beginning of 2023 that this was the long game, that I'm not like. This is happening. It's just going to take time and we're going to do it properly, and it's not all going to be like everything's not going to happen fast.

Speaker 2:

No, but how satisfying does it feel to be almost at the finish line. Oh yeah, it's brilliant.

Speaker 1:

Like so good.

Speaker 2:

And 800% and you know increasing income and the amount of people that influence it.

Speaker 1:

You know this whole series has delivered so much for others like yourself. Yes, exactly yeah. And it also got me onto Emma's podcast every month. It made me an authority on the transits and you know she's got millions of downloads on her podcast and I'm on it every month Like it's done so much for my business. But I could have used my design as a reason to stop. I could have said it's not lighting me up and therefore I shouldn't be doing it. Oh, this is such a good conversation.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Because you can be. So I had this briefly with Emma as well, because we were talking about this and she said what she does and this is irrelevant for any generators and also it's a great principle is instead of thinking about right now, is this lighting me?

Speaker 2:

up. Yes, this is what I was just about to say.

Speaker 1:

Yes, when I finish this, will I be satisfied? Yeah, yeah, will I be in my aligned? Uh, will I be aligned? Aligned to the high frequency of my expression? Yeah, will I be satisfied? Fuck, yes, yes exactly am I, I'm so satisfied now, I'm so excited. Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, I am.

Speaker 2:

I also you're reminding me of when I because I book coach as well and when we get to about 85 percent, a hundred percent of the time, people will have a massive. This sucks, no one wants to read it. Who the fuck was I to even think about writing a book? Blah, blah, blah blah.

Speaker 2:

And I'm like okay, and I actually talk about it now in my sales call about book coaching because it happens to me as well and I'm like at about it's not always 85%, for some people is earlier but at about the kind of like we're almost there, but the drudgery of the rinse and repeat of the actual writing or creating something or whatever, and it gets so heavy and it can be very easy for people to go, oh no, this is not, this is too like, it's too much for me or I'm opting out or whatever, and I'm like no, this is part of the creative process.

Speaker 2:

This is actually like if I was to, because I I love starting things and I love finishing things, but I'm not actually that great at the rinse and repeat stuff and that is. But I am learning that when I turn up for the rinse and repeat for things that are really important to me and aligned that's the important thing Then I build self-trust in myself that I actually have the capacity to stick and stay when it's important, the capacity to stick and stay when it's important. I also, conversely, have a very low tolerance for anything that makes me feel out of alignment, and that is a very different feeling, because you can feel aligned and still frustrated with the doing of the thing, which is what you're talking about.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm completely aligned to having finished this Correct exactly.

Speaker 2:

And so you need to. It's almost like throwing the future out in front of you and then just doing the drudgery action that actually gets you to like it's just not, it's work.

Speaker 1:

You know that work work will be, and I know, yeah, it's a joy to do this work, but it's still work.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, 100, 100. But yeah, at the end of it far out, like you just think about, I feel a little bit the same, like my podcast has had many, many, many different versions of you know, iterations, yeah, iterations in um, pivoting, etc. But I look back and go oh, my god, it's almost two years since I started doing a podcast twice a week and I have managed to do that. Well, I, for a year. Now I only do one because I saw the light, because that's ridiculous. A lot, yeah, that's a lot, but yeah, because it's something that, like, I do believe there's wisdom in all of us who are in business building a body of work where someone can come and marinate in who you are, what you stand for and you know it's that I call it getting lost in the rabbit hole.

Speaker 1:

Yeah exactly Like I have. Really I know that and like, even with this podcast, like some people binge 100 episodes over a weekend. Like I can tell when that happens. Like there's such a big body of such a deep rabbit warren.

Speaker 2:

Exactly exactly. But that is good and it doesn't have to be a podcast or a YouTube channel, like, do it the way that you want to do it. If you're a long form writer, go and get a sub stack, like you know, it doesn't matter. But as long as you're perfect, people can access the UES version of you in a body of work somewhere to marinate in. Because, um, yeah, I've done it before, like the, my current business coach at the moment, I found I had downloaded her book about 18 months ago on recommendation from someone else that I was following, downloaded it, completely, forgot that it was on my iPad, because it's actually not my iPad, it's my husband's. So I'm like, and then the original person posted about that book. Again, I was like shit.

Speaker 2:

I downloaded that a year ago. I started reading it on a Saturday afternoon and I finished it in the middle of winter, underneath the bed covers, next to my snoring husband by the light of my phone, because that is how fucking amazing. And I was like this, this, this, this, this. And it's really interesting because when she was in the middle of writing that book you know all of us are in the middle of our work Like we are being invited to stand up and that comes with. You know all the voice and visibility stuff, but it's like you go first. I am now in a very high ticket mastermind because I read a book and then bought a couple of like like that is the definition of giving someone and don't filter yourself.

Speaker 2:

Like good girls, do not lead revolutions. I feel like that maybe is going to be the title of my book. It's like stop with the good girls shit. Stop with trying to like appease or approval.

Speaker 1:

Don't try to people please, which, by the way, is so hardwired into me. But yes, yeah, yeah, 100%, I mean.

Speaker 2:

I think any woman who's grown up in the patriarchy has been conditioned to be a particular way to be safe, and you know whatever. But you don't lead revolutions from that space and you don't shift paradigms and you don't create amazing bodies of work that will ripple through for centuries and centuries and centuries, and that's what I'm here for. So fuck the bloody smallness and the you know, and that's why, when I saw myself in that overwhelmed thing, I'm like, yeah, I don't, I'm not actually down for this, because that is not actually aligned to the future that I think it break a time, yeah exactly.

Speaker 2:

So what can we do instead?

Speaker 1:

awesome. Well, thank you so much.

Speaker 2:

The conversation has been brilliant yes, I knew it was going to be. We bounce off each other amazing, love it.

Speaker 1:

And, for those that are listening, I actually have two shout outs that are in my head now. So the first one is if you don't own the loss, no first. First, if you do own the cosmic content codes guide, I hope this has been a big stick up the proverbial bottom. If you're not using it, to make sure that you do take advantage of it. Yeah, and this is coming from somebody who's an expert in storytelling and content, by the way, not just from me.

Speaker 2:

Who is?

Speaker 1:

finding this to be an extremely transformational, and we said that word on its own doesn't mean much, but you know, no, yeah, she's getting more joy and also that's working for her to grow her magazine, exactly. Uh, so that's the first thing. Second thing, if you don't own this, make sure you go to the show notes where you can get your hands on it, and there is a an exclusive coupon code in the show notes to get 10 off. So do that. And then three and this is time sensitive I am currently selling a brand new offer, which is only for those of you who are human design coaches, mentors, professionals, consultants to take you behind the scenes of what we just spoke about my exact strategy for building my own human design business, my ecosystem, messaging, the products, the tech, all of it in a small group.

Speaker 1:

We're almost 50% sold out and I've only talked about this on stories so far. Exciting. Yeah, it's exciting. So if you're listening and you're like, oh my God, that is well, I want that, you better hurry. So drop into my Instagram DM and let me know before all the spots are gone and that's it. That's it for this week. What a cool offer.

Speaker 2:

That is a very good example of giving the people what they want. It's like how did she?

Speaker 1:

do that, and it was another, by the way, it was another complete intuitive hit. I was on a massage table when this idea landed.

Speaker 2:

Do you know where I get most of my ideas? Either come to me in dreams or when I'm floating. So I float twice a month. Oh beautiful, it's like my nervous system. Yeah, I was like.

Speaker 1:

I mean we could talk about this offline, but I'll quickly say it here. One of the girls that comes to my yoga class because I teach yoga once a week yeah um is studying to be a masseuse, and so I got a free 90 minute massage at her house, and I'll never forget that. This is the moment that I was like I need to be helping more of these human design qualified people build their business. So there you go oh, so good thank you, thank you you.

Speaker 1:

I'll talk to you soon. Bye, beautiful Bye everyone. Thanks for tuning in to the Human Design for Marketing podcast. Make sure you hit that subscribe button, tell your friends and extra brownie points Go. Leave me a review. I would so appreciate it. There are heaps more resources in the show notes. I can't wait to be back in your ears again soon. Bye for now.